Frequently Asked Questions


For Students 

1. What is Career World and how to register?

CAREER WORLD is an academic program that's specially established for the students, parents for a better understanding of current educational sectors. It was founded in the year 2005. 


Click 'Register' on the home page and you will see a registration form. This can take you hardly 2 or 3 minutes to replenish. Simply submit your information, verify your mobile number and enjoy assorted advantages of being a Career World member.

Mobile number - Is it compulsory?

Yes, the mobile number is required to verify and complete your registration process and also for your account safety.

How do I edit my profile on Career World?

Editing your profile info is very simple. Here's how to do it:

Email id

Email id cannot be modified because it is mapped to your account at the first time of your registration. But you can choose to add your alternate email id in your ‘Personal Information’ section. The other option is to simply create a new account along with your new email id that you simply want to use.

Changing Password

To change your password, Go to your account homepage and click 'Settings'. currently, you'll be able to amendment or replace your new password and save.

Updating mobile number

Go to your ‘Profile’ page, click ‘Edit’ on the ‘Personal Information’ section and then amendment your new mobile number. Please keep in mind to click ‘Save’.

How to update profile details?

You can update your profile data divided into four sections Personal data, academic Background, Work Experience, and Communication Settings.

How to update communication preferences?

You can modify or update your ‘Communication Preferences’ underneath ‘Settings’ to begin or stop receiving email notifications from the career world. This is often helpful mail, particularly delivered to your inbox to serve your data wants like school application deadlines, exam dates, homework tips, etc. support your profile. just in case you not would like this service, you'll uncheck the box underneath ‘Communication Preferences’.

How to update profile photo?

Update the Photo option is seen if you point the mouse over your profile photo box. you'll choose this and add your image.

Is all information obligatory to create a profile?

No. Except for your full name, mobile no. and email id, the remainder of the fields are optional. However, the page asks for less than necessary info and adding these details can facilitate produce a whole profile page for you and help us cater to your information needs better.

What privacy settings do I have for my Profile?

You have adequate control of your profile privacy. The fields that have a privacy icon ) next to them is assailing or off by you to point out or hide those details from public read.

2. How do I search for colleges or courses?

To search for a particular college or course, just click on colleges or courses box on top of the Career World homepage. As you click, you'll see many colleges' name, then you can select the name of your desired course/college from this menu as well.

3. How can the Career World help me in making the right college decisions?

To guide all courses aspirants through their college choice journey, we've got simply the correct tools one would want. simply click on the View courses you may get all details regarding the course as well as Specialization, university name, etc.

4. Can Career World help me in making a career choice?

Deciding the correct career for yourself is tough. Our expertise at Career World can assist you to choose a suitable stream right after XII - as per your ability and liking. It opens up a world of career options before you, wherever you'll examine a career, its job profile, career opportunities, eligibility for the course and wherever to hunt admission to check.

Our counselor will help and guide you in creating the correct decision. For example: If you raise them - that course ought to I choose for? Or which college is best for Medicine & Healthcare? etc., they're going to try and provide you with the most effective attainable recommendation.

5. However, do I keep updated with the latest news?

News and articles can keep you recent and well informed of regarding all of your education connected info wants. you'll be able to check the news for entrance examination dates, application deadlines, changes in test pattern, etc, whereas articles provide you with a motivating vary of topics to read from topper interviews and test preparation tips to college life and new and coming courses and careers.

6. Can I unsubscribe to emails?

Yes, you have got the choice to unsubscribe. you'll be able to do that by unchecking the box shown beneath 'Communication Preferences' on your Profile homepage.

7. Can I contact directly to Career World?

If you have any feedback or suggestions or any inquiry you can write to us at:

or call on our Student helpline number: +919916039339
