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Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College Colleges

4 years ago PARAMEDICAL Gaya   719 views

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Location: Gaya
Fees: -- ₹

Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College & Hospital is a reputed medical college & hospital of Gaya, which was established in 1969 as a private college of MBBS and was serving the purpose of both college and Hospital .In 1978,it had been undertaken by the government and from then it changed into public institution.

Initially its name was Magadh Medical. It got its present name Anuragh Narayan Magadh Medical in 1984 on the name of Anuragh Narayan Jee, the famous leader and first finance minister of Bihar in independence India. He was the great personality, who really serves the people in every sense. He was the member of Vidhan Sabha in 1936 and popularly known as 'Bihar Vibhuti'. He was famous for his work in not only Bihar but in all over India.

The A.N.M.M.C.H. is situated at Gaya city in south Bihar. It was established with a great foresight, as at that time there was only two Medical Colleges and Hospital in Bihar. One in Patna,the northern part of Bihar another in Ranchi (Now in Jharkhand) the southern part of Bihar. In middle range from Patna to Ranchi there was no any public hospital. Due to that the common public had to face great problems, especially when there was need of urgent treatment. The establishment of this Hospital was the sign of relief for the whole area of Middle Bihar.

Presently, it is working with 18 departments with well qualified doctors, hard working supporting staffs, dedicated nurses and well equipped machines serving the purpose of nursing the people who are in need of treatments. They treat patients with humanity & give them personal caring.

ORIGIN:- The ANMMCH was started as a private Medical College in 1969 with the objective of training students to undertake the responsibilities of a physician of first contact who is capable of looking after the preventive, promotive, curative & rehabilitative aspect of medicine required for health care in our country especially in the rural areas.
In 1978, the institute was registered as government medical college and in year--------,it become hospital also over the years ANMMCH has developed its own distinct identity ,which is closely related to the needs and aspirants of the area in which it operates ,i.e. the middle region of Bihar. Servicing the needy people of the area. It has deep concern for the

ORGANISATION:- This Institute is a government medical institution run by the Bihar government and is recognized by the Medical Council of India. Its governing body lays down the objectives and policies of the organization, while the director is responsible for academic and general management of the institution.
He is assisted by full time staff, consisting of HODs, other doctors, members of research and planning department and project staff for field work.
The institute has multiple objectives related to the various types of activities that it undertakes.


  • 1. As an institution of higher learning, the institute intends to produce qualified doctors, who can serve the humanity and the nation in the best possible way. Here doctors see their training as a preparation for true service in society and who believe that their own human growth and happiness is intrinsically linked with the growth and well being of others, especially of the poor and the marginalized.
  • 2. As a renowned medical institution it extends guidance and support to the students to advance in their careers and professions.
  • 3. The Principal objective of this institution is to produce doctors who render service to humanity with full respect for the dignity of profession and man. Physicians should merit the confidence of patients entrusted to their care, rendering to each a full measure of service and devotion.
  • 4. Training students to undertake the responsibilities of a physician of first contact who is capable of looking after the preventive, promotive, curative & rehabilitative aspect of medicine
  • 5. Train the students so that they can recognize `health for all' as a national goal and health right of all citizens and by undergoing training for medical profession fulfill his/her social obligations towards realization of this goal.
  • 6. Develop scientific temper among students to acquire educational experience for proficiency in profession and promote healthy living.
  • 7. Students can become exemplary citizen by observation of medical ethics and fulfilling social and professional obligations, so as to respond to national aspirations.
  • 8. To promote quality consciousness among the faculty members, non teaching staff and students.