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5 years ago AGRICULTURE Guntur   1.1K views

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Location: Guntur
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Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, popularly known as ANGRAU. The university has been ranked 219 in all over India. ANGRAU offers UG, PG, Ph.D and Polytechnic courses in the streams like Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Home Science, etc.

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Highlights

Official Websitehttps://angrau.ac.in/
University TypeState
Entrance TestNational: EAMCETUniversity: AGRIENGCET, AGRICET, Entrance Test
Admission ModeOnline and Offline
Other Facts4000+ Students5000+ Faculty

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Courses

ANGRAU offers various degrees, doctoral and polytechnic courses in the field of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Home Science. Tabulated below are the details for same:

UG Courses

CourseSpecializationEligibilityFees (INR)
B.Sc. Hons.Agriculture10+2 (HSC) with Physical Science, Biological or Natural ScienceObtained a valid score in EAMCET27,900
Community Science10+2 (HSC) with Mathematics, Biological/Natural Science and Physical Science
B.Sc. Hons. (Lateral Entry)AgricultureDiploma in Agriculture, Seed Technology and Organic FarmingObtained a valid score in AGRICET-
B.TechFood Technology10+2 (HSC) with Mathematics/Biological/Natural Science and Physical ScienceObtained a valid score in EAMCET27,900
Agricultural Engineering10+2 (HSC) with Mathematics and Physical ScienceObtained a valid score in EAMCET
B.Tech (Lateral Entry)Agricultural EngineeringDiploma in Agricultural EngineeringObtained a valid score in AGRIENGCET

 PG Courses

CourseSpecializationEligibilityFees (INR)
M.TechSoil and Water Engineering, Processing & Food Engineering, Farm Machinery & Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage EngineeringB.Tech (Agricultural Engineering)Obtained a valid marks in Entrance Test conducted by the university29,830
Food TechnologyB.Tech (Food Technology)Obtained a valid marks in Entrance Test conducted by the university
M.Sc.Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Crop Physiology, Agricultural Extension, Seed Science & Technology, etcB.Sc. (Ag.)/B.Sc. (CA&BM)Obtained a valid marks in Entrance Test conducted by the university
MBAAgri-business ManagementB.Sc. (Ag./Horticulture) or B.Tech. (Ag.Engg.) or B.V.Sc. & AH / B.F.Sc. / B.H.Sc. (H.Sc.)/ B.Tech (Dairying)/ B.Tech (Food Processing & Technology) / B.Tech /B.Sc (Food Science & Technology) / B.Sc.(CA&BM) / B.Sc. (Farm Science) / B.Tech (Biochemistry)Obtained a valid score in Entrance Test, Group Discussion followed by Interview33,450

Ph.D Courses

CourseSpecializationEligibilityFees (INR)
Ph.DAgronomy, Agricultural Economics, Entomology, Agricultural Extension, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Agricultural Microbiology, Food & Nutrition, Processing and Food Engineering, etcGraduation in Agriculture with a minimum of 50% aggregate marksB.Sc.(Ag.) / B.Sc.(Home Science) / B.Tech.(Ag. Engg.) of 4 years duration is mandatorySubmission of M.Sc. level thesis on or before the last date for the receipt of application and must complete the thesis final viva voce examination successfullyObtained a valid score in Entrance Test followed by Interview29,830

Check:ANGRAU Courses and Fees

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Admission

The university offers offline mode of application process to the candidates. Here are the steps to apply:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the university and click on the ‘Admission tab’.

Step 2: Download the application form and fill it carefully. Candidates applying for more than one course has to fill out a separate application form for applying to each course.

Step 3: Send the duly filled form to the university along with all the required documents and a DD of INR 1200 for General and INR 600 for SC, ST and PH categories (M.Sc. / Ph.D. courses) for each course in favour of SBH/ SBI/ ANDHRA BANK and drawn in favour of The Controller, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, payable at Guntur.

Selection Criteria

  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit and marks obtained in the following entrance exams:
CourseEntrance TestRead more
B.Sc Hons.EAMCETClick here
B.Tech (Lateral Entry)AGRIENGCET-
B.Sc Hons. (Lateral Entry)AGRICET-
M.Tech/ M.Sc/ MBAEntrance Test, Group Discussion followed by Interview-

Check:ANGRAU Admission

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Faculty

The university has an experienced faculty. Given below are the details for same:

Dr. R. Veera Raghavaiah

  • Designation: Principal Scientist and Head
  • Department: Agronomy

Dr. N. P. Eswar Reddy

  • Designation: Professor
  • Department: Crop Physiology

Dr. C. Ramana

  • Designation: Associate Dean
  • Department: Farm Machinery and Power Engineering

Dr. J. Laksmi

  • Designation: Professor
  • Department: Food and Nutrition

Dr. B. John Wesley

  • Designation: Principal Scientist
  • Department: Agricultural Process and Food Engineering

Check:ANGRAU Faculty

About Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University

ANGRAU is a State Agricultural University located in the Hyderabad city of Indian State Telangana. It is recognized by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and University Grants Commission (UGC). The University was established on June 12, 1964, by Late Shri Bahadur Lal Shashtri with an aim to provide opportunities for the citizens of the state and the country for education in the field of agriculture in its broad sense and to promote research, field and extension programs in agriculture and allied sciences. It offers various UG, PG, Ph.D., and Polytechnic courses in streams like Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Home Science, etc. since inceptions.

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University FAQs

Ques. Is There Any Reservation Of Seats For Women?

Ans. Yes, ANGRAU provides reservation of seats for women candidates. In each course, 33⅓ seats are reserved for women candidates from each category.

Ques. How Do I Apply For AGRIENGCET And AGRICET?

Ans. Given below are the steps for applying:

  • Download the application form from the official website.
  • A DD of INR 500/- for general candidates (INR 250/- in case of SC/ST and PC candidates) has to be drawn in favour of Controller, ANGRAU payable at GUNTUR.
  • Application form has to be submitted along with two self attested envelope affixed with INR 5 postal stamp either in person or by post by 5:00 P.M. on or before the due date. 

Ques. How Can A Foreign Candidate Apply For Admission To The University?

Ans.  The University encourages foreign students to seek admission in to various UG and PG programs. Candidates can get an application form through the Asst. Director General (HRD-II), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi 110012. The application fee amounts to US $4000/ US $2000 for SAARC countries.

Ques. Does The University Offers Distance Learning?

Ans. Yes, the university offers open distance learning 3 month Certificate Course in Terrace Gardening