Bharata Mata School of Legal Studies Colleges
5 years ago - LAW - Erāttupetta - 599 viewsBharata Mata School of Legal Studies(BSOLS) is a centre of excellence in legal education affiliated to M G University and approved by Bar Council of India, New Delhi. BSOLS believes that all students have the drive for excellence. Focus is on interactive learning through case studies,group discussions, seminars, debates,role plays, live projects, moot courts and other related activities. These tools serveeffective instruments to sharpen decision making, leader-ship, team building and analytical skills of students.
The committed faculty at BSOLS strives to impart and nurture outstanding performance. Emphasis is on building strong leadership, positive attitude and ethical behaviour so as to equip an individual to boldly face the challenges of the legal world. The whole curricular and extracurricular activities are so designed as to produce lawyers and scholars who are sincere in their approach with sound conceptual clarity and understanding of legal intricacies.
Our students are given special coaching in Judicial Magistrate training, Civil Service, IAS Coaching, PSC Coaching and other professional training programmes to equip for successful career development. While preparing the students for the severity of the competitive world of law, BSOLS never loses sight of the need to continually reinforce values such as fair play, integrity and respect for dissent.
Welcome to Bharata Mata School of Legal Studies a whole new world of law with eminent faculty and best ambience to become competent and committed legal luminaries for God and Country.