5 years ago - AGRICULTURE - Kharagpur - 763 viewsBidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) is a blessing of agriculture related education. The University offers agricultural education both at UG and PG levels. At present the BCKV’s main focus is providing the all needs of agriculture in the southern part of West Bengal.
- Located in Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal
- Established in 1974. There is a huge campus with world class faculties, good administration, and extension and research facilities.
- Recognized by ICAR and AICTE
- Since February 2001 the University has done a lot of major structural changes. It’s North Bengal Campus at Cooch Behar with three Northern Regional Stations at Kalimpong, Cooch Behar and Dinajpore which have been emerged into a new Agricultural University, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV) to fulfill more needs of agriculture in North Bengal districts.
- The University has three Regional Research Stations and three Regional Research Substations. Simultaneously, two new departments Horticuluture and Agricultural Engineering at Mohanpur have nourished the University to compete national and international level.
- The University Organization, after a lot of structural changes has reached a structure of comprehensive nature.
The huge campus with well-trained faculties, good administration, extension and research units attracts students. The University is involved towards advancement of Research in the respective areas. And finally it became a complete institution circulate the knowledge among the farmers of the State.
List of RRS and permanent research scheme with regular manpower are:
- Survey Selection And Mass Production Of Rhyzobium
- Crop Research Unit
- Regional Research Sub-Station, Red & Laterite Zone, Raghunathpur
- Regional Research Station, Coastal Saline Zone, Kakdwip
The university, BCKV, offers various facilities to its students so that they can pursue their courses without any problems and achieve the goal of their life through the education offered by it.
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya is proud of its Library system which was inaugurated in 1980 is known as only the Central Library at Mohanpur, Main campus. It is housed in a four storied building spread overotal 5575 sq. m. floor space with a plan area of 7242 sq. m. has a good architectural beauty. To facilitate the teaching, research & extension activities of an Agriculture university, the library plays a lead role, with 74,968 no of books.
Hostel: There are hostels for Post Graduate and Research Students. Residence in the hostel is compulsory for all students registered for PG and Ph.D. courses.
There are many festivals are arranged in campus like
- Udayan Mela: skill development through training -cum- demonstration to empower the farming community for different modern horticultural practices. It is necessary to enhance technology adoption. In this direction, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya organized “Udyan Mela (Horticulture Fair) in the Viswavidyalaya at Mohanpur.
- NABARUN: It’s fresher welcome programme.
- Annual social program, known as “naihrit” recreates students.
Major Achievements In Research
- Maintenance of large repository of genetic resources.
- Developed number of promising varieties / hybrids for large-scale cultivation in the state
- Standardization of agro-techniques of different crops for sustainable production
Region-specific development of INM, IPM and IDM module with successful dissemination among the stakeholders. - Production and distribution of 236 t quality seeds (Foundation/ Certified / TL) of paddy, wheat, oilseeds and pulses.
- Patent achieved by Fishery Scientist of RRS, NAZ