CAM Institute of Allied Health Science and Technology Colleges
4 years ago - PARAMEDICAL - Anand - 477 viewsThe world has been seeing the advent of an era of innovative introductions, in every field of life. Today's youth is very well aware of the challenges ahead, and the market is also developing at a fast pace. The number of institution offering, various courses, in all the fields. Modern day parents also want to spend an amount of money, on the career of their children. The students are specializing in their respective fields. When we analyze the statistics of the contribution of degrees and diplomas in making a student capable to acquire a job of their choice. We come to conclusion, only a very small percentage of students get the jobs of their satisfaction, rest of them opt for jobs, much below their qualifications and just cannot earn enough money, to realize their dreams or just barely making their livelihood. Because no institute teaches them the real method of earning money.
We have been an organization, imparting distance learning courses, for the last 20 years. We conduct distance learning courses in various disciplines.
Keeping this in mind, Indian Institute of Allied Health Sciences offering various courses, which have been set up by Suryamukhi Sunil Memorial Foundation (formerly Surya Mahila Gramodyog Mandal),a non-profit making society registered under Indian Societies Registration Act, 1860 in the year of 1994 vide Regd. No.-0514/94/Pat. Dated: 16.04.94. The society is already running three reputed institutes namely Sai Sunil Memorial Institute of Nutritional Health which is accreditated by Nutrition Society of India, Kaplan University and Nutrilite Health Institute of U.S.A
Second one is S.M.Nandita Institute of Management which is also an autonomous constituent institute of I.I.A.H.S
Third one is S.M.Nandini Institute of Engineering which is also an autonomous constituent institute of I.I.A.H.S.