4 years ago - NURSING - Kannur - 665 views
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Canossa college of nursing & School of nursing, are two Units of the Canossian charitable institution society, Cherukunnu. It is run by the sisters, who belong to Canossian daughters of charity. We promote an all round development of students, with special emphasis on cultural, intellectual and spiritual aspects, needed to prepare a competent professional nurse who will be a promising citizen and an effective change agent in an ever changing society. |
This institution continue to provide a value based Nursing education, to prepare competent nurse leaders ,to serve in all settings, especially to give quality care to the most needy and the poor, inspired by the spirit of the Divine Healer, Jesus. | ![]() | Canossa College of nursing, envisions an integrally developed Christ-Centered nurse, committed to the nursing profession, constantly rendering the services towards comprehensive & holistic health care thus building and transforming the family, community, society and the nation, as sharer’s of God's love to others, particularly, the most in need. | Guided by the Spirit of Jesus Crucified and inspired by the life, teachings and virtues of St. Magdalene of Canossa, the foundress of Canossian daughters of Charity, we commit ourselves to the Formation and Development of the youth towards becoming Professional Nurses, with cultural consciousness, |