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4 years ago NURSING Kāsaragod   616 views

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Location: Kāsaragod
Fees: -- ₹

Nirmala College of Nursing, a minority Christian institution, managed by the Ursuline Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Southern Province) was established in 2003. It is recognized by INC and KNMC and is affiliated to Calicut University as well as Kerala University of Health Sciences. The college offers B.Sc. Nursing programme of 4 years duration.

We strive hard to keep pace with the latest development and thus live up to the expectation of the student population. We have an expert team of nursing faculty who strive to develop in the students a comprehensive spirit of scientific understanding of the Art, Science & Spirit of nursing, and thus to prepare professional nursing graduates who are competent to render holistic and quality services to clients in all settings.

+ Our Vision

To provide holistic and quality care in the emerging trends of newer diseases and health problems, by the will to ‘give’ rather than to receive and with the dependence on God’s healing power, and to be recognized as a global leader with basic human, moral and spiritual values in medical education and research.

+ Our Mission

  • To be progressive in providing holistic and quality health care services to all.
  • To be recognized as a global leader in providing holistic and quality health care, social health and preventive medicine.
  • To develop nursing graduates with the professional expertise and basic human, moral and spiritual values and to be loyal to our motto “healing mission with a human touch”.
  • To enable nurses to be effective instruments of God’s healing grace to those afflicted in body and soul.
  • To create and foster leadership quality and decision making abilities in various situations.

   Nursing education of Nirmala College of Nursing, Nirmala Hospital is interpreted according to a Christian philosophy of life. A philosophy of nursing education must necessarily encompass a philosophy of nursing as well as a philosophy of education. Hence the staff of the college of nursing and all the associated personnel (service staff etc.) aim at producing a nurse motivated by the love of God and neighbour, a nurse having a mature judgment, intellectually and morally enlightened and professionally equipped so that she will be capable of giving comprehensive nursing care to the sick and injured and function efficiently in programmes of social health and preventive medicine. In a word, the aim of our nursing education is to develop in the students a comprehensive spirit of scientific understanding of the art, science and the spirit of nursing.

The faculty of Nirmala College of Nursing believes that nursing is a profession by which we collaborate with other health professionals in helping individuals, families and society to prevent illness, to maintain and promote optimum health, recovery and rehabilitation from illness or disability and assist people to have a peaceful death in case of terminal illness. We also believe that the nursing is a profession, which necessitates prompt updating of knowledge and skills in specialized clinical areas to render quality services and maintain collaboration with other health professionals.

The nursing education should be broad based, dynamic and adaptive in integrating the learning, thus equipping the graduates with the knowledge, skill and attitude to render professional nursing care to the people of all ages in a variety of settings.


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