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5 years ago AGRICULTURE Pune   881 views

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Location: Pune
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India is known to be a land of agriculture and allied activities. This domestic activity is that the profession that feeds millions, lifting poor from starvation, contributes 15 percent to the national GDP and remains as contributive to the world economy. Recent advancements and revolutions around the globe have intensified the improvements in farming owing to the growing demand. The clichéd methods need to be revamped using biotechnology and genetic engineering. College Of Agriculture Biotechnology is one of the top colleges of Maharashtra whose vision is metamorphosis of the socio-economy at the regional and national level, and provides relevant information to the enthusiastic needy students.

Facts And Figures Of College Of Agricultural Biotechnology, Pune:

FoundationPravara Rural Education Society
Area178 acres
PatronsPadmabhushan Hon’ble Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, Chairman, PRES & former Minister, Govt. of India
UniversityMahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
ApprovalMaharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research, Pune
AdmissionCommon Online Admission Procedure through MCAER, Pune
Librarytextbooks-2000, reference books-500, journals-20, newspapers-15, computers-15
ScholarshipFees concession to backward classes by Government of Maharashtra

Why To Join College Of Agricultural Biotechnology, Pune?

Reputation And Rewards: It is one of the first A rated colleges of Maharashtra whose students have received innumerable awards in the field of sports, paper presentation, national seminars, and conferences at inter-college level.

Competitive Forum: For tough and high-level exams like UPSC, MPSC, JNU, ICAR, there exists a special forum for student interaction and preparation, under the guidance of alumni and through guest lectures.

Appraised Placements: Some of the top recruiters are Axis Bank, AHMSI Pvt. Ltd., BASF, SBI, Karur Vyasa, FCI, CABT, KB Export, Bank Of Baroda, MAHICO, PI Industries, etc.