5 years ago - ENGINEERING - Durg - 410 viewsThroughout the ages architecture has been a reflection of the socioeconomic and progressive nature of the human civilization. As Chhattisgarh is a developing state and growing very fast in every field including of the construction and infrastructure business, the state requires sufficient number of qualified architects to provide good architectural services towards
Our Vision
The vision of Dignity College of Architecture is to fabricate a generation of creative and professional architects with ut-standing capabilities and sincere intentions. To become one of the premier institutes of Architecture in the country, DCA aims at quality education and pursuit of excellence creating ,value based globally competitive professionals. It is the endeavor of this institute to establish and nurture a heaven of academic excellence creativity and personality development in which the budding architects can thrive.
Our Mission
The highest and perfect education does not merely give us information but makes life in harmony with all existence. The mission of DCA is to create an awareness of complexities of architecture field, to provide interaction of man-machine system to expose the impact of economic, socio and cultural factors on architectural world and facilitate the rise of the technically sound architects in the present arena of design. DCA creates the atmosphere in campus where the students are -
Stimulated with personal freedomto explore and experiment that enhance confidence and shapes opinions. Exposed to exciting campus events that build social skills. Thus our mission is to make architects who are versatile intellectually and technically skillful, highly motivated to take on the competition and thrive in this rapidly changing world.
Creating a new class of architects with the knowledge, the skills and the cultural sensitivity to make the world a better place. Architects those are able to use their creative and innovative abilities to develop new streams for wealth creation and new initiatives for societal advancement. Architects able to bridge development gaps that prevent communities from profiting from the national economic progress. Architects able to lift communities to new levels of economic activities by applying creativity to solve local issues