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5 years ago ENGINEERING Bhubaneshwar   548 views

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Location: Bhubaneshwar
Fees: -- ₹

Dinakrushna College (DK College), Balasore was established with a strong aim to produce trained individuals who can sustain the competition of the modern world. Located on a sprawling campus the college has the best infrastructure that is essential for grooming a student. The management along with committed faculty always assists the students and supports them to overcome both academics and personal issues.

Facts And Figures Of Dinakrushna College

Established year1964
Institute affiliated toFakir Mohan University, Balasore
Library30000 Books
Total books30000+
How to Reach53 Km from Balasore Railway Station

Why To Join Dinakrushna College, Balasore?

  • Prizes: The College encourages students by giving them a few awards and rewards. Kasturi Rani Prizes, Tilottama Das Mohapatra Memorial Prize are awarded to the students who excel in their studies every year.

  • Activities: The College organizes various sessions through which they can educate and develop the personality of every student. The management will allow all the students to get enrolled at NCC, NSS and a few more that support in overall development of every individual.

  • Accredited- The college is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘B’ Grade


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