Government Polytechnic College For Women Colleges
4 years ago - PARAMEDICAL - Srinagar - 314 viewsA pioneer in Technical Education
Established in 1986, the Government Polytechnic for Women, Srinagar emerged as the first technical Institute in J&K state catering exclusively to women, thereby ushering them into an era of technology and creativity at the brink of the new millennium.
Pursuance of excellence
With the intervention of Tech. Edu. III, World Bank Assisted project, the institution has achieved major break throughs in areas like quality improvement, augmentation of infra-structure, curriculum development, staff development, networking with user and other organisations etc. The Polytechnic has won many accolades and has a distinction of receiving the
‘Best Polytechnic Award-2005’ and the ‘Best Polytechnic Award-2011’
having been adjudged as the most outstanding polytechnic in North India by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh. This is a due recognition of our achievements but also a sure reminder that there are more heights of excellence to be strived for.
The institution is administered by the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir. The J&K State Board of Technical Education (SBOTE), lays down curricula, conducts examinations and awards diplomas.
The Polytechnic
The campus is spread over a spacious area of about twelve acres of land. Under the Tech Edu-III project, new building blocks have been constructed. Two academic blocks, one each for Food Technology and Textile Designing came up in the campus in the last few years. Also, an additional building for Hostel was built up to increase the intake capacity of the present hostel.