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4 years ago VETERINARY SCIENCE Satara   469 views

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Location: Satara
Fees: -- ₹

Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science caters to the need of ten districts of Maharashtra with its efficient technology and educational matters. The particular place is a rich resource in poultry and other dairy products that make it a vulnerable option to be based on the proposed plan. It also tends to be one of the prominent centres for research and experimentation work. It aims to provide solutions to the farmers through its new techniques and know how.

Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary ScienceFacts and Figures

Founded In1988
CoursesB.V.Sc.  & A.H, M.V.Sc
Students intake27 for B.V.Sc.& A.H.
CampusSatara, Maharashtra

Why join Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science?

1. Availability of Dairy Research Centre:There is a deepening science behind selecting and maintaining the buffaloes and the studies related to bovine. Apart from the same there is equal determination in processing the known infections prevalent in diary things.

2. Library with best resources:Library can always be an added advantage for students coming for the purpose of gaining knowledge. Apart from the regular books, one can gain more insights on journals too.

3. Sports cell: The College equally provides standards of improvement in terms of sports too. Physical health and fitness tend to matter greatly in our daily life and helps in arranging things on a more substituted platform for conquering further goals. The institution helps on those remarks too.

4. Academic cell and counseling:The Institute is inclusive of hi-tech facilities like, lecture halls, laboratories and equipments too. There is a periodic counseling session for students and with their parents to get a better picture for each student’s progress. 

5. Exemplary Achievements:Students at Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science have achieved immensely in various national level entrances examinations thereby retaining the position of the college. On the parallel note the college also provides the necessary techniques and standard of education for students who can excel on the same.

6. Higher studies and excellence-Students qualifying form the college do retain numerous organizations on both national and international levels. They tend to progress from the basic information to the highest degrees not only in the country but and getting similar knowledge from the institutions across the globe.