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4 years ago VETERINARY SCIENCE Bharatpur   478 views

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Location: Bharatpur
Fees: -- ₹

Mahatma Gandhi Veterinary College, Bharatpur aims to produce professional and competent young veterinarians for catering to the needs of animal husbandry management and practices, scientific breeding and cure and prevention from diseases in a timely and highly relevant way. These professionals need to motivate the elderly people and the women to adopt and use scientific practices of backyard/ small scale livestock and poultry, for upliftment of this region’s rural economy. MGVC’s vision is to offer students a great background for quality education resulting in rewarding career opportunities. With a mission to bring worldwide practices through widespread use of latest technologies, MGVC offers students with the best campus and faculty members.

Facts and Figures about Mahatma Gandhi Veterinary College:

Founded In2003
PresidentShri B.D. Gupta
Total Veterinary Core Courses Departments15
Campus Area37400 Sq. Ft.
Livestock Population40 Cattle, 22 Sheep, 2 Horses, 1 Male Buffalo
Hostel Capacity20 Three Seater Rooms
Veterinary OPDUsed for Training Fourth and Fifth Year Students
How to ReachNearest CitySituated at NH 11, 1 KM from Bharatpur
Nearest Railway Station1 KM from Bharatpur Railway Station

Why to Join Mahatma Gandhi Veterinary College, Bharatpur?

Highly Qualified Faculty Members: Doctorate and Master’s Degree holders from top Indian and abroad Universities and other world class institutions. Thus you can rest assured to get world class education in this college.

Experimental Animal Lab Facility: There is a separate experimental lab facility for the small animals like rabbits, pigs, mice, guinea, etc.

Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC): This TVCC complex is a great addition to the college. It has the facilities for small and large anima indoor and outdoor facilities, recovery room, operation theatre for small and big animals, sonography and X-ray rooms, diagnostic lab, reception counter, etc.