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MVJ College of Engineering Colleges

5 years ago POLYTECHNIC Bengaluru   866 views
Location: Bengaluru
Fees: -- ₹

Over 37 years, MVJCE has evolved and perfected a unique approach to knowledge delivery for our engineering and management programmes. We are deeply involved at all levels of the students’ academic life, ensuring that they strive for excellence from the time they step in to the campus. Our emphasis is on a curriculum that builds in knowledge gathering as well as higher order thinking skills. With inputs from motivated and quality faculty, the academic performance of our students continues to set the benchmark for engineering education in Bangalore.

Genuine and sustainable learning are achieved when theory is translated into practice. We work with our students to reinforce their engineering knowledge and management concepts and theories through practical applications and projects. Guest lectures, seminars, conferences and industrial visits are integral to our learning model and students gain first-hand exposure to workplace practices and new technological developments.

We believe in developing outstanding engineers and managers who are well-rounded individuals. Sports form an integral part of the curriculum, enforcing the premium we place on the physical as well as mental well-being of the students. Individual interests and talents are encouraged through vibrant clubs and cultural forums.

At MVJCE, every experience and opportunity presented to the student is significant, carefully planned, and holds immense possibilities for self-development.