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M.N.Technical Institute (MNTI), Bangalore Colleges

4 years ago POLYTECHNIC Bengaluru   1K views
Location: Bengaluru
Fees: -- ₹

M.N.Technical institute was established in the year 1987 by the Poorna Pragna Academy Trust. Situated on the outskirts of the city of Bangalore, the institute is surrounded by public sector units like BEL, HMT and Peenya Industrial area. The institute was started to tap the human resource requirements of the industry at the shop floor & the supervisory levels. The main motto was to provide technical education to students in far flung areas like Hesaraghatta, Yelahanka and Peenya. There by contributing to the development of our nation through its multitude activities. The institute is well connected to the central area of the vast & fast developing of city of Bangalore. This is a SILVER JUBILEE year for the institution!!!...The celebrations are yet to rock by the end of december. The vision of M.N.Technical Institute is to be the leading centre of learning and innovation in emerging areas of business and management education. For every course the college imparts practical training to its students that helps them to understand better, improve their demonstrative skills, eliminate hesitation and in this process strives to mould them into industry ready professionals. Mission of M.N.Technical Institute is 'to foster critical analysis by training students both in theory and practice so as to equip them with skills needed for facing global challenges with team work and human values. And to build quality network with the Industry, educationists and the society for exchanging knowledge'. The modern teaching methodology assists the students in getting an all around view of engineering, technology and the entrepreneur world. The diligent faculty team of the college possesses hands-on experience and up to date knowledge of their subject and area of expertise. The infrastructure and facilities of M.N.Technical Institute consists of spread-out campus alongside various amenities in the form of library, computer center, classrooms with proper teaching and learning aids, medical facilities etc. The institute seeks to place each of its students in an organization/company of great repute.