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National Law School Of India University, Bangalore Colleges

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Location: Bengaluru
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National Law School Of India University, Bangalore, widely known as NLSIU Bangalore was established in the year 1987 as the first law university in India. It has established itself as a premier institute for the law studies in India. The University also has student exchange programs with various top law schools in the world.

It offers UG, PG, and Ph.D. Level Law Courses at the campus. The admission to the university is done on the basis of National level entrance exam known as CLAT and NLSIU Cutoff.

Check NLSIU Admission Procedure

NLSIU Highlights

Founded In1987
University TypeState University
Recognized byBar Council of India (BCI)
International CollaborationsThe National University of SingaporeOsgoode Hall Law School, CanadaYork University, CanadaBuceuius Law School, Germany
Entrance ExamCLAT
AddressP.O. Bag 7201, NagarbhaviBangalore - 560072Karnataka, India

NLSIU Courses

The National Law School of India University offers some most valuable and wanted courses to all the law aspiring students in India and abroad such as the following:


The university provides an excellent course as BA-LLB (Hons.) with a duration of 3 years. It is bifurcated in trimester-wise per year. All aspirants need a valid 10+2 pass certificate with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks with a valid CLAT score.


The university offers a 1-year LLM postgraduate degree program in two specializations, viz. Business Laws, and Human Rights Laws. The course has also possessed a trimester-wise arrangement for study. Admissions to this course are depending upon a valid score in CLAT  entrance exam and its guidelines. LLB or equivalent UG Degree with a minimum of 55% of aggregate marks are required for the aspirants to apply.


The university also offers a Master’s degree course in Public Policy. For admission to this course, candidates need to appear for PAT (Policy Aptitude Test) entrance test followed by a Personal Interview round.


Apart from UG and PG courses, the university also offers some research level doctoral degrees in many forms as M.Phil, Ph.D., and LL.D. NLSIU, Bangalore also invites applications from all eligible candidates for every research degree. For admissions, candidates need a valid LL.M. degree on a regular basis with a minimum of 55% of aggregate marks from a recognized university. The selected candidates will be called for an interview after successfully getting a name in the merit list post the university-based entrance test.

Click Here NLSIU Fee Structure

NLSIU Ranking

National Law School of India University has bagged the First Position among Top Law Schools in India in Ranking done by various Magazines and Govt. Authorities. Here we have listed out all the Major Rankings of NLSIU:

  • The University top the chart of Top Law Universities in India for the year 2018 by the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF).
  • In the rankings done by Outlook Magazine for the year 2017, it outstands among all law colleges in India with the first Rank.
  • India Today also has given NLSIU Bangalore 1st rank among top 10 law colleges in India. India Today has ranked out based on various themes and factors. Based on each factor ranking a score is given which is included in the overall score and the Final Rank is evaluated.
  • Website Careerindia.com also ranked this college as #1 in its list of top law colleges in India.

NLSIU Research

The Law School has undertaken many research projects funded by the UGC, the Government of India, the Government of Karnataka, the Department of Women and Child Development, the UN agencies, the World Bank, HIVOS.

NLSIU Collaboration

The National Law School of India University has exchange programs with the National University of Singapore, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada and Buceuius Law School, Germany. This has facilitated the exchange of ideas and culture between not only the law schools but also the countries.

NLSIU Conferences

International Conferences:

  • European Rounds International Student Conference on IT Security for the next generation, on “Conflict of Laws in Cyberspace: A need to Overhaul Legal Regime” at University of East London, London, UK
  • International SAARC Conference on “Resolving Dichotomy between TRIPS and Right to Health. The SAARC Experience with special reference to India and Sri Lanka”, at NALSAR, Hyderabad

National Conferences:

  • Consilience 2013 a Conference on “Data Protection & Cyber Security in India”, 2013 at National Law School of India University, Bangalore
  • “Patent and Copyright Law in India: Emerging Issues”, 2012 at National Law School of India University, Bangalore

NLSIU Facilities

  • Library: The library is the ‘heart’ of any academic institution and plays an important role in all academic activities and, the more so, in law institutions. Known as Sri Narayana Rao Memorial National Law Library, its establishment was generously assisted through the munificence of Mrs. Sudha Narayanamurthy of INFOSYS

Library Statics:

Back Volumes of Journals & Subscription20,000
Current Journals99
General Magazines8
News Papers8
Computers16+20 (Computer Lab)
  • Hostels: There are three Halls of Residence for men known by the names Ganga, Cauvery and Himalaya and three Halls of Residence for women known as Nilgiris, Annexe and Mess Block. In addition, there are two P.G. Women’s Hostels
  • International Training Centre: A well equipped International Training Centre, with residential facilities for organizing training programs, was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Justice Mr. Lahoti on 28th August 2005. The Training Centre is under the supervision of a caretaker who is responsible for providing the facilities at the Centre without any deficiency in service. Several Training Programmes have been successfully conducted at these premises.

NLSIU Festivals

  • LeGala: LeGala is Law School’s annual inter-collegiate cultural fest. It attracts participation from colleges all over Bangalore as well as outstation teams for events like quizzing, music, theatre, and dance.
  • Strawberry Fields: Strawberry Fields is India’s largest student-organized rock show and is held concurrently with LeGala. The last few editions had more than 40 participating bands from all over South Asia and crowds in excess of 10,000
  • Spiritus: Spiritus is an annual sports festival that draws participation from law colleges all over India. It is hosted by the Sports Committee of the SBA in collaboration with the Sports Authority of India (SAI)

NLSIU Achievement & Awards

  • The team consisting of Mr. Harshvardhan Goel (III Year), Ms. Priyanka Madan (V Year) and Ms. Mansi Sood (V Year) won the International ADR Mooting Competition organized by City University of Hong Kong, China, International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission, Columbia Law School, and UNCITRAL, held in Hong Kong from 28th July to 2nd August., 2014
  • Ms. Jyoti Maheshwari (ID 1723) has been selected for the prestigious Young India Fellowship 2014-2015, where only 200 students from various disciplines are selected from all over the country, including the NRI students
  • 7th April 2013 NLSIU team consisting of Raag Yadav, Akshaya Ramdurai, Geeta Hariharan and Shreya Jain has won the finals of Jessup Moot Court Competition defeating Singapore Management University (SMU)

NLSIU Scholarships

  • The Shankaramma Memorial Trust Scholarship: This scholarship of the value of Rs. 500/- per month is awarded every year to two or more students preferably from Andhra Pradesh who has been admitted to the B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) / LL.M. courses of the NLSIU.
  • Justice Venkataswamy, Mrs. & Mr. Mariappa Gowda and Mrs .& Mr. B. Narayan Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to a highly deserving student of NLSIU towards his/her boarding/ lodging charges in the University
  • Late Justice B. Vasudevamurthy scholarship: This is awarded to a deserving and meritorious student who is not otherwise able to join this University due to economic conditions
  • Hemant Narichania Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to II and III year meritorious students of B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) from lower socio-economic strata of society
  • The Lalit Bhasin Scholarship
  • Sam Byramji Nariman Scholarship