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4 years ago VETERINARY SCIENCE Dimāpur   299 views

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Location: Dimāpur
Fees: -- ₹

The National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM) was establishe under the aegis of ICAR in the 6th five year plan. NRCM is currently working for developing the scientific and sustainable mithun rearing system and for catering the needs of mithun farmers. The mandate of the NRCM is Identification, Evaluation and Characterization of mithun germplasm available in the country, conservation and improvement of mithun for meat and milk, to act as a repository of germplasm and insormation centre on mithun.

Facts and Figures of The National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM)-

Establishment Year1988
Recognized byIndian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi
Director of the CentreDr. Nazrul Haque
Number of Books in Library1214 books
14 journals
Campus Strength44
Campus area62.5 acres
How to reach25 km from Dimapur Railway Station

Why to Join National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM)?

  • Training & Awareness programmes: NRCM organizes various training and awareness programmes on mithun rearing like “Therapeutic Inventions and Scientific Mithun Rearing Practices for Veterinary field assistance of kohima, Dimapur district”, “Basic aspects of first aid, treatment and vaccination strategies for mithun farmers, rural educated youth” etc.
  • Research & projects work: Several research and project works are going on in the NRCM like “Genetic and Biodiversity studies on Mithun”, “Identification of SNP in Leptin gene for selection of  Mithun with  Higher growth traits”, “Impact of heat stress on mithun production and its Amelioration Strategies”, “Genome wide association study for growth and feed efficiency traits in mithun” etc out of which some are institutional projects and some are funded externally.
  • ISO Certified- The college is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Institute.