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North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College Colleges

4 years ago PARAMEDICAL Delhi   523 views

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Location: Delhi
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North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College was established in 2013. The project was conceived by Mr P K Gupta Commissioner and Mr Mayank Sharma, Additional Commissioner (H) North DMC. The college was started on the Hindu Rao Hospital Premises, after fulfilling all the requirements of Medical Council of India for letter of Intent, and letter of permission (LOP) for establishing the new medical college and its renewals under section 10A of Indian Medical Council Act 1956 respectively. North DMC Medical College has been affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, Delhi.

First batch of 50 UG MBBS students were admitted in North DMC Medical College in August (2013-14). The second batch of 50 students was admitted in August (2014-15). The permission for admission of 3rd batch of 50 MBBS student (2015-16) has been approved by Central Government, Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare (ME P-II Section) vide letter no: U-12012/79/2015-ME (P-II) dated: 10.06.2015 and 49 students have been admitted for the session 2015-16. Dr Rajeev Grover (Dr Dinesh Negi earlier) & Dr Alka Puri were appointed as CMO’s to look after the administrative and academic activities respectively of the college.

All pre-clinical departments (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry) and few of para-clinical departments (Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine) have been created while all other departments (para-clinical and clinical) have been significantly upgraded. Two air-conditioned eighty seater Lecture theatres and Auditorium of 350 capacity, all fitted with audio visual systems are created in M N Passi Block while Central library & auditorium is on V and VII floors of G- Block.

Dean’s Office, administrative, academic & examination section along with secretarial staff are located in Dean’s Office block.Presently there are 74 faculty members and 49 residents employed in different disciplines in Medical College.

North DMC Medical College & HRH is a residential campus and provides quarters for the staff of Hindu Rao Hospital, paramedical staff and hostels for students. The separate hostels for MBBS Girls, Boys and residents are available. The new six storied Hostel Block is under construction in the premises of HRH to accommodate 100 more students.

The large variety of clinical material and emergency cases available at Hindu Rao Hospital makes it an ideal training institute for Undergraduate and Postgraduate medical students.

Vision Document for North DMC Medical College.

Soon the postgraduate courses will be started in medical college in phased manner. Initially postgraduate (MD/MS) will be started in preclinical (Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry) and paraclinical subjects (Pathology, Pharmacolgy, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine & Community Medicine) In second phase MD/MS will be started in clinical subjects. The recognition of the college by MCI is due during the final professional examination in the year 2017 Dec when first batch 2013 will pass out from medical college.

After the start of the North DMC Medical College, the patient load has increased. Along with teaching and patient care, the research activities are being initiated. The educational activities in terms of CMEs/workshop/conferences are also being organised on regular basis.

There is provision to increase the number of UGs seats from 50 to 150 which will also be achieved after the new multistory Medical College building/block comes up on the campus.


Letter of Permission by Medical Council of India was granted to establish of new medical college at Hindu Rao Hospital for 50 students by North Delhi Municipal Corporation for academic year 2013-14 vide no. 34(41)(E-21)/2013-Med./20573 dated 11/07/2013.

Renewal of permission for 2nd Batch of MBBS course with 50 MBBS seats u/s 10(A) of the IMC Act, 1956 at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College, Malka Ganj, Delhi for the academic year 2014-15 was granted vide letter no.U-12012/697/2014-ME(P-II) dated 15/07/2014 of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

Renewal of permission for admission of 3rd Batch of MBBS course with 50 MBBS students at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College, Malka Ganj, Delhi for the academic session 2015-16 was granted vide letter no.U-12012/79/2015-ME(P-II) dated 10/06/2015 of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

Renewal of permission for admission of 4th Batch of MBBS course with 50 MBBS students at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College, Malka Ganj, Delhi for the academic year 2016-17 was granted vide letter no.U-12012/670/2015-ME.I dated 30/05/2016 of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

Renewal of permission for admission of 5th Batch of MBBS course with 50 MBBS students at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College, Malka Ganj, Delhi for the academic year 2017-18 is granted vide letter no: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India U.12012/127/2016-ME.I(FTS No. 3084749 dated: 31.05.2017.

Medical College is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi and the affiliation is renewed every year after academic audit by Joint Action Committee team of University experts.

Prof. (Dr.) N.K. Mohanty (M.S., M.Ch) has taken over the charge as Dean, North DMC Medical College & HRH on 08/05/2017 after superannuation of previous Dean (Dr. Rani Kumar).