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Smt. B.K. Shah Medical Institute and Research Centre Colleges

4 years ago PARAMEDICAL Vadodara   537 views

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Location: Vadodara
Fees: -- ₹

To improve and impart Medical Education of Global standards in undergraduate and postgraduate levels, incorporating Evidence Based Medical Education as its backbone, and to establish and put in effect super specialty courses of all Medical branches. To provide Equity Health Services of the highest quality and state of art technology by starting Tertiary Health Care Services. To improve and develop Research of the highest quality and of Global standing. To be committed to Innovation and Best practices in all its perspectives, so that the end user (the common man) is its beneficiary.

To develop Basic Care Human Values and Ethics within the students, Faculty and staff especially compassion, Respect of human Dignity and a feeling of universal Brotherhood.

To establish itself as a Premier Institute of Global Standing committed to:

(a) Excellence in learning with thrust and emphasis on contemporary Education, with flexibility and accommodation for future growth and expansion by incorporating Evidence Based Medicine as a backbone of Medical Education.

(b) High Quality Research inclination, ambience and work culture with an obligation to provide the best to the society for alleviation of Human suffering.

(c) State of Art Technology – providing Equitable Health care services of Global standards to the society; eradicate diseases inflicting the society, enhance a healthy & productive life to all individuals and help in the Evolutionary progress of the Human Race.

  1. To revise and update the curriculum of all subjects for under graduate and post graduate programmes.
  2. To conduct workshops on Principles and Practice of Education Technology in Medical Education for teachers.
  3. To conduct training programmes in research methodology & evidence based medical education system for teachers, post graduate students and under graduate students.
  4. To teach using newer teaching and evaluation methods like PBL, Microteaching, OSCE & OSPE and MCQ etc.
  5. To conduct multi disciplinary weekly academic meetings, integrated teaching programmes, problem based learning etc.
  6. To encourage under graduate students for preparing short term research projects and submits the same to ICMR.
  7. To organize rural medical camps in Community, Blood donation camps etc.
  8. To educate the community on health issues through radio and TV talks and articles in print media.
  9. To further improve the infrastructure facilities for effective teaching and research activities.
  10. To continue following Evidence Based Education System as implemented at present.
  11. To develop regional centre at SBKSMIRC for faculty developemnet programme.