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5 years ago ENGINEERING Chandigarh   493 views

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Location: Chandigarh
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Dr Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Panjab University (formerly known as Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology) is a Department of Panjab University, Chandigarh. DCET/SSBUICET is one of the first departments of Panjab University, and one of the earliest schools of engineering in India. SSBUICET infrastructure and curriculum was developed in collaboration with Illinois Institute of Technology. The first Batch of the Department was started in 1958. Apart from Chemical Engineering there are other streams related to Chemical Engineering like Food Technology and Industrial Chemistry are also taught at the department.


In collaboration with Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, U.S.A., Punjab University established Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology (DCET) in the year 1958. Prof. R. E. Peck from I.I.T. Chicago headed the Department in the beginning and laid foundation of its enduring work culture that is prevailing today. The Energy Research Centre was established in 1983 in department of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Panjab University to promote R&D and Extension activities in the emerging field of Renewable Energy. It has emerged as a major focal point of R&D and extension on energy and environment at national and international level. Pioneering work in the area of solar thermal energy Storage, Solar Detoxification, Biomethanation of agricultural/industrial/forestwastes, Biomass combustion and gasification, Indoor Air Quality, Energy and Environmental Conservation and Management and Hydrodynamics of Polymeric Solutions is being carried out at the Centre.

Courses Offered

SSBUICET conducts a number of courses. Apart from Chemical Engineering there are other streams related to Chemical Engineering like Food Technology and Industrial Chemistry are also taught at the department. The department grants the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Food Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Chemical Engineering with MBA
  • MSc Industrial Chemistry
  • Master of Engineering, Chemical Engineering
  • Master of Engineering (Chemical with specialization in Environmental Engineering)
  • Master of Engineering (Food Technology)
  • Master of Technology (Polymer)
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemical Engineering

Academic Grading

Academic grading in SSBUICET is tougher than other Indian colleges. SSBUICET offers a first division degree to students who achieve 60% or more marks. Students who receive 70% marks are awarded a degree with honours. A first division from SSBUICET corresponds to a GPA of 3.3/4. This is similar to the academic grading in other reputed institutions like Delhi Technological University and IITs etc.

SSBUICET and Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers

DCET/SSBUICET is also a regional centre of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. Dr. Sanchita is the chairman of the Department. The 61st Annual Session of IIChE was held in SSBUICET on the occasion of completion of golden jubilee of SSBUICET. This included a joint Indo-US conference. Presently Dr. V.K. Rattan is the President of IIChE.

SSBUICET Culturechandi

SSBUICET Students refer to themselves as 'Chemengers' - Short for Chemical+Engineers. The department students conduct a number of cultural activities.

  • Cyanide: The Annual College Fest
  • Aanwik: The Technical Fest of the college based on the concept of Zero waste and sustainability.
  • Polemic: An Annual Inter University Debate Competition
  • Youth United
  • Tatva: The Magazine of SSBUICET Students
  • One Fine Day - With Chemengers: A Facebook community with SSBUICET cartoons.

and many others.


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