5 years ago - AGRICULTURE - Bagalkot - 755 viewsRealising the importance and foresightedness of the Karnataka Government, His Excellency, the Governor of Karnataka has approved the establishment of the University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS) at Bagalkot through a special Ordinance No 2 of 2008 dated: 22-11-2008. Thus, the exclusive University of Horticultural Sciences came in to being with effect from 22-11-2008 at Bagalkot. The choice of Bagalkot as the head quarters of the University is rightly justified because of two reasons namely, the rich horticultural production base of grapes, pomegranate, sapota, fig, lime, sweet lime, ber, varieties of vegetables, spices and medicinal plants: Besides, the bordering districts of Belgaum on West, Dharwad and Koppal on South, Bijapur on North and Raichur on East are the hub of horticulture because of the favourable climate for horticulture crops in the area. The Second reason is because of the location of historical places like Badami (cave temple and capital of Chalukya Kingdom) Pattadakallu, Aihole (the places known for temples of stone sculptures) Kudalasangama a centre of religious preaching and teaching, and the mighty Alamatti Dam as a back bone for agriculture / horticulture are situated within the radius of 50km from Bagalkot.