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4 years ago ARTS(FINE/VISUAL/PERFORMING) Salem   642 views

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The merging of vision of Bethel Agricultural Fellowship and the vision of Friends Missionary Prayer Band gave birth to the emergence of Bethel Bible Institute- A centre for theological studies. Missionary Training Centre of the Friends Missionary Prayer Band, originally started in 1971 at Tuticorin, was moved to Bethel campus in Danish pet in 1974. Thus resulted in renewed thrust of training-up of pastors, missionaries, social workers and leaders thus making it an ideal place for theological studies with an emphasis on Mission, where FMPB, NSM, BAF, ICGM and other related organizations send their candidates for their ministerial formation. The Institute imparts a holistic training by offering students enough opportunities to be effectively involved in mission, evangelism, pastoral ministry and social action.

Facts And Figures Of Bethel Bible Institute

Establishment Year2003
Institute TypePrivate Institute 
Chair person of the UniversityDr. G. JesudianVijayasingh,
Affiliated toSenate of Serampore College (University)
Total Faculty Members13 Faculty & Other Staff Members
Admission CriteriaInstitute’s Minimum Eligibility Criteria must be fulfilled and students can also apply online.
Total seats80
Courses offeredB D. (3 Year) & B Miss. (3 Year)
How to reachThere is no directtransport available for the location although one can reach there by road or taking a flight to Chennai than taking a train or a bus to the nearby destination and after that using public transports.

Why To Join Bethel Bible Institute?

  • Mission Statement: The institute emphasises on training men and women equally based on the ideologies of Lord Jesus and make them learn indigenous missionary movements.
  • Future Plan: The institute aims to prepare and equip students to be actively involved in society and contribute to the needs of humanity in general and for the emancipation of the poor, the needy and the marginalized in particular.
  • Motive: The spirit of Christian unity, the development of indigenous mission, and empowering the weaker section of society regardless of caste creed and gender is also the thrust of BBI (Bethel Bible Institute). The Institute is committed to building up a community which practices and promotes the values of the kingdom of God through servant hood.