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5 years ago AGRICULTURE Samāstipur   860 views
Location: Samāstipur
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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University (previously, Rajendra Agricultural University) is one of the 65 agriculture universities in India. It is near Pusa Bazaar, in Samastipur District, Bihar.

There are five faculties in the university in the disciplines of Agriculture, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Basic Sciences, Humanities & Home Science, besides the college of agriculture, fisheries and institute of dairy technology. The university offers six undergraduate degree programmes, thirty three post graduate programmes and eighteen Ph.D. programmes. It is also the only university to provide an MBA in Agribusiness programme. Admission in the various courses offered is done on the basis of marks scored in Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE).

Rajendra Agricultural University B.Sc, B.F.Sc and B.Tech Admissions 2020

Rajendra Agricultural University offers various courses at undergraduate level. The courses offered are Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc) and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in several specializations. The duration period for each of the courses is four years. Intake capacity depends upon the nature of specializations opted by the eligible candidates.

Admission in the above mentioned courses is done on the basis of marks scored in Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE). Students who meet the eligibility criteria will only be entertained by the university. Candidates willing to appear in BCECE may visit the official website.

Key points

  • Both Boys and Girls will be eligible for admission in Bachelor’s Degree Programmes. In Home Science only Girl candidates are eligible for admission
  • The candidates must be a permanent resident of the State of Bihar or a domicile of the Bihar State in case of 85% seats to be filled up through Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination. However, for rest 15% of the seats the students may be selected on all India basis

List of Courses:

Course NameSpecializationSeatsEligibility CriteriaDuration
B.Sc.Agriculture6010+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology combination or Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics combinations. Students having passed I.Sc. examination with Physics, Chemistry and Agriculture4 Years
Home Science25
B.F.Sc.Fisheries Science2510+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.4 Years
B.Tech.Agricultural Engineering2510+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics combination.4 Years

Rajendra Agricultural University PG Admissions 2020

The University offers various courses at postgraduate level. The courses offered are Master of Science (M.Sc), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Technology (M.Tech) under several specializations. The duration period for each of the courses is two years. Intake capacity depends upon the nature of specializations opted by the eligible candidates.

Admission in all the three PG courses is done through a common entrance test conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board.

Note: The cut off marks for admission to Master Degree programme in the merit list prepared on the basis of marks obtained in entrance examination and academic marks will be 40% for SC/ST candidates and 45% for others (Unreserved, BC, EBC, and RCG candidates)

List of Courses:

Course NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaDuration
M.Sc.AgronomyB.Sc. (Ag.)/ B.Sc. (Hort.) with 60% aggregate (55% in SC /ST )2 Years
Agricultural Economics
Plant Pathology
Plant Breeding & Genetics
Soil Science
Extension Education
Plant Physiology
Agricultural Statistics
Agril. BiotechnologyBachelor degree in Biotechnology/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany with 60% aggregate (55% in SC /ST )
Food & NutritionB.Sc. (Ag.)/ B.Sc. (Hort.) with 60% aggregate (55% in SC /ST )
Home Science Extension Education and Communication Management
Family Resource Management
Processing & Food Engineering
Soil and Water Engineering
Food & NutritionB.Sc. (Home Science) with 60% aggregate (55% in SC /ST )
Home Science Extension Education & Communication Management
Family Resource Management
MBAAgribusinessB.Sc. Degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Engg., Dairy Technology, Fisheries, Food Sciences / Technology, Forestry, Horticulture, Home Science, Veterinary Science, Biotechnology and Science Subjects (candidates of SC and ST categories with 55% marks and candidates of all other categories with 60% marks in aggregate) are eligible.2 Years
M.Tech (Agril Engg)Soil & Water EngineeringB.Tech. (Agri. Engg.) with 60% aggregate (55% in SC /ST )2 Years
Processing & Food Engineering

Rajendra Agricultural University Ph.D Admissions 2020

Ph.D courses are also offered by the university in various specializations. The duration period for each of the specializations is three years.

Admission in Ph.D courses is done through an entrance test conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board.

Note: 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned)

List of Courses:

Course NameSpecializationSeatsEligibility CriteriaDuration
Ph.D.Agricultural Biotechnology3M.Sc. ( Agril-Biotech.)/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Agril-Biotech./ M.Sc. (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology )/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Molecular Biology & Biotechnology/ M.Sc. Molecular Biology / M.Sc. (Ag.) Molecular Biology with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).3 Years
Agricultural Economics2M.Sc. (Ag.) Economics/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Agril. Economics with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Agronomy5M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Entomology4M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology & Agril. Zoology with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Extension Education2M.Sc. (Ag.) Extension Education with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Plant Breeding & Genetics5M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Breeding & Genetics/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Genetics & Plant Breeding / M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Breeding/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Genetics with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Plant Pathology4M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Pathology/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Mycology & Plant Pathology with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Plant Physiology2M.Sc. (Plant Physiology) / M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Physiology with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
Soil Science5M.Sc. (Ag.) Soil Science/ M.Sc. (Ag.) Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry with 65% marks or OGPA 6.5/10 in Master’s degree programme in the subject concerned (SC & ST candidate should have secured 60% marks or OGPA 6.0/10 in the subject concerned).
M.Sc Agricultural EconomicsAdmission Link

Important Dates

MBA (Application Date)15 Mar - 31 May, 2020
Online Registration14 Feb - 16 Mar, 2020
Issue of Online Admit Card21 Mar, 2020
Entrance Examination16 Apr - 14 May, 2020