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Goa University Colleges

4 years ago PARAMEDICAL Goa Velha   340 views

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Location: Goa Velha
Fees: -- ₹


To meet the relevant and required tertiary level knowledge aspirations and associated employment needs of the State and to strive to attain global levels of excellence in teaching and research


To effectively and efficiently impart fundamental, appropriate and socio-economically relevant knowledge at the tertiary level of education to those seeking depth of understanding and employment - driven technical competence in their chosen areas of study


  • Please refer Organigram to know different sections that exist in the University
  • Services provided by various offices in the University: Please refer to the Menu items under Students, Facilities and Academics to understand the functions and services provided by each of the Departments, Sections, etc. of the University
  • IMPORTANT: In case of problems not resolved at the concerned departmental/sectional level within the stipulated period, formal complaints may be lodged with the following Officers:
Matter pertaining toOfficer
Administrative: admissions, scholarships, purchase and stores, security and maintenance, sports, hostels, sexual harassment, raggingRegistrar
Examinations and results
Controller of Examinations
Finance Officer
Teaching and researchDeans of the Faculty
In-case of failure of satisfaction at the above officesVice-Chancellor

SA-35 (i) Any student or any employee of the University or affiliated College/Institution shall first approach the competent authority of the University/College/Institution, mentioned in the relevant provisions of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or the Rules, as the case may be, for redressal of any grievances that he or she may have. It is only when the competent authority has not been able to redress the grievance that an Appeal shall lie with the Vice Chancellor who shall take appropriate action in keeping with the provisions of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and regulations of the University.

SA-35 (ii) An Appeal against the decision of the Vice Chancellor shall lie with the Executive Council and the Executive Council shall take action as per the provisions of clause (12) of Statute SA-13 (vii) or sub-section 2 and 3 of section 28 or section 30 of the Goa University Act, 1984, as the case may be.

SA-35 (iii) Request for redressal of grievance shall be made to the competent authority within two weeks of its occurrence. An Appeal against the decision of the competent authority may be made to the Vice Chancellor within two weeks from the communication of the decision of the competent authority. An Appeal against the decision may be made to the Executive Council within four weeks from the date of the communication of the decision of the Vice Chancellor.

SA-35 (iv) Grievances against the Vice Chancellor and/or the Executive Council shall be referred to the Visitor directly for further action as per the provisions of the Act.


Sr NoPublic ServiceDesignated OfficersTime Schedule
(in working days)
1Duplicate certificates/ Mark sheetsi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
10 days
2Correction in name and such other documentsi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
15 days
3Authentication/ verification of documentsi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
10 days
4Provisional degree certificatei) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
15 days
5Attestation of documentsi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
15 days
6Refund of examination feesi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
20 days
7Verification of marksi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
20 days
8Revaluation and declaration of resultsi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
60 days
9Convocation/degree certificate (eligible candidates who have been conferred degrees)i) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
20 days
10Passing Certificatei) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
7 days
11Payment of remuneration to paper setters and the examinersi) Assistant Registrar Examinations (Professional);
ii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (PG);
iii) Assistant Registrar Examinations (UG)
45 days after declaration of result
12Provisional eligibility certificateAssistant Registrar- Academic (Colleges)5 days from the date of receipt of application
13Migration certificateAssistant Registrar- Academic (Colleges)10 days from the date of receipt of application
14Scholarship disbursementAssistant Registrar- Academic (PG)60 days from the date of receipt of application
15Refund of depositsAssistant Registrar- Academic (PG)15 days from the date of the receipt of complete documents from respective department