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4 years ago ANIMATION Delhi   807 views

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  • national-council-for-promotion-of-urdu-language-big-1
  • national-council-for-promotion-of-urdu-language-big-2
Location: Delhi
Fees: -- ₹

The National Council for promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) was developed with the aim to promote, develop and propagate Urdu Language. The council works towards printing of books in science, technology, various encyclopaedias and dictionaries in Urdu language. Its main aim is to produce literature in Urdu language in context with the modern world scenarios. It runs various educational and promotional activities. It also undertakes digital publications in Urdu.

Facts and Figures of NCPUL-

Establishment Year1996
University TypeAutonomous
Chairperson of the UniversitySmritiZubinIrani.
 ApprovalGovernment of India
Institutes Under NCPUL1895
How to ReachAirport- Nearest airport is India Gandhi international airport which is 18 kms awayRailways – nearest Railway station is HazratNizzamuddin station which is 5 kms away.Road- Situatednear G D Birla Marg, it is well connected by buses and hired taxis.

Why to Join NCPUL-

  • Preservation of Urdu and Arabic- the council works towards preservation of ancient languages like Urdu and Arabic.
  • Financial Aid-It provides financial aid to non-government institutes for   development and enrichment of Urdu.
  • Translation of modern technical and scientific terminology – The council works towards translating the modern terminology in fields of science and technology so as to keep the language and its usage relevant in modern times.
  • Preservation of art of calligraphy- Urdu language is known for its beautiful calligraphy. The institute offers courses to learn and understand this art.
  • Digital Library – the council also has a digital library with a number of books in Urdu  for kids and adults.
  • Publications- NCPUL is the chief publication house in Urdu for government of India it produces children’s literature and text books for Urdu schools. It also publishes various journals and magazines in Urdu.
  • Collaboration with E-TV Urdu- NCPUL broadcasts Urdu based programmes on this channel.