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4 years ago BEAUTY & FITNESS Amrāvati   681 views

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Location: Amrāvati
Fees: -- ₹

Goals & Objectives

Along with the goals and objectives of our parent body, the Shri Shivaji Education Society,Amravati, our college has its own goals and objectives as:

1) To create, widen and strengthen the interaction among the students, teaching community, scientists and the industries, and to serve the community through coordinated research and hardwork.

2) To create and nurture scientific temper among students.

3) To create among students a desire for consistent research and inquire.

4) To deliver sustained, high quality education in the most congenial manner.

5) To prepare students for fostering global competency.

6) To promot use of ICT in every area of education.

7) To bring about PPP (Public-Private Participation) for the growth of the emerging sciences.

8) To inculcate creativity, leadership qualities, moral values and enterprise among students.

9) To make students aware about how to manage knowledge collectively and work in multidisciplinary team.

10) To generate among students a multi-disciplinary perspective, knowledge management skills, and the team-work.

11) To help the students to evolve into sensitive, enlightened citizens to participate in National development.

Our Vision

"Now here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as twice" (The Red Queen to Alice in Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll)

The domains of academia have opened up and strong market winds have begun to blow through its portals Foreign universities are entering in droves and private business houses are at their drawing boards, planning out strategies to enter the education market in a big way. Critics may carp at what they call the commercialization of education, but pragmatists know that with India joining the world full steam, you either raise the bar or perish.

We have always belived in raising the bar. All minds were put together and as a result we have been following a major year-by-year road-rnap upto 2015. We have high quality assets with us in our teachers, a supportive parent society, a good infra-structure and a reputation that takes an age to build. We have been putting these assets to use in an annually distributed pattern to upgrade ourselves in the following areas:

1) Academic Improvments

2) Streangthning of Labortaries.

3)Promotion & use of I.C.T. in teaching and learing Process.

4) E-content devlopment.