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5 years ago NURSING Bengaluru   727 views

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Location: Bengaluru
Fees: -- ₹

Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research is a Government run Autonomous Institute with 1150 Beds exclusively for Cardiac care and is one of the largest single centre for heart care destination in South East Asia. This is purely a Non-Profit Organization with State of Art Cardiac Care, providing quality cardiac care at an affordable cost to all sections of the society and free of cost in deserving poor. We have effectively implemented “Treatment First – Payment Next” Concept where in the cardiac patient requiring emergency admission, shall be done without insisting for any advance payment. Institute has recorded 400% growth in last 10years.

  • Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research has got the State of art equipments in the form of 7 Cathlabs, 7 Operation Theatres, Non-Invasive Laboratories and 24 hours ICU facilities.
  • Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research has got NABH Accreditation by Quality Council of India in the month of September 2015 and this is the first Public Heart Institution in the Country to get the NABH Accreditation.
  • Medical Council of India has accorded approval for 21 Post Graduation Seats in D.M. Cardiology which is the biggest Post Graduate Teaching Programme in the Country and 12 seats in MCh and 8 seats in DM cardiac Anaesthesia.

Presently on an average 1200-1400 patients are visiting this hospital every day and annually 40000 In-patients are treated. About 3000 Open Heart Surgeries, 30000 cathlab procedures including - Coronary Angiograms, Angioplaties, Valvuloplasties, Pacemaker, Device closures and other Procedures are done in this hospital. Annually nearly 1,500 Open Heart operations and Angioplasties are done free of cost for poor patients. 75% of the patients who come to hospital are well below the poverty line.

We have got qualified, skilled full time faculty - 60 Cardiologists, 25 Cardiothoracic Surgeons with supporting ancillary staff and department.
The slogan of the Institute is Quality, Charity, subsidy and Humanitarian approach.
Jayadev has state of art branches in Mysoor, Kalaburagi, ESI-MH Rajajinagar is addition to Main Center.


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