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5 years ago ARTS(FINE/VISUAL/PERFORMING) Kanpur   603 views

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Location: Kanpur
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About VSSD

To render quality higher education with Sanatan Values, the college was established in 1921 under the auspices of Shri Brahmavart Sanatan Dharma Mahamandal. The Foundation stone of the college was laid by the then Lieutenant Governor of United Province, Sir Spencer Harcourt Butler on 1st March, 1920 in the presence of Rai Bahadur Babu Vikramajit Singh.

The college was inaugurated in July 1921 as Sanatan Dharma College of Commerce, Kanpur. It was in the year 1975 that the College was renamed as Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharma College (V.S.S.D. College) in the memory of its dynamic founder Rai Bahadur Babu Vikramajit Singh. Since its inception, the institution had the opportunity to have the able guidance of Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya Ji and the blessings of Swami Dayanand Ji.
Having a campus area of 72 acres, the college presently runs various Post- Graduate and Under Graduate courses in various disciplines namely Arts, Commerce, Education, Law, Physical Education and Science.


Transforming individuals and communities through learning.


To inspire, prepare, and empower students from all sections of the society with particular emphasis on deprived sections for better personality development, employability and hel p building a society with social justice and moral ethos, which is competent to meet the challenges of globalized India


  • To make knowledge a source of power.

  • To impart higher education uniting modern scientific thought with Indian culture and wisdom.

  • To blend ethics with practical knowledge.

Why Join Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharma College

  • UGC Recognized
  • NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade
  • Affiliated to Chatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Highly qualified and experienced faculty
  • Anti-Ragging Institute

Facilities :-

Computer Center 

The college has developed centralized computer facilities for its faculty members, PG students and research scholars. Presently the center has about 08 computers. Broadband internet facility at the centre is used extensively by our PG students, researchers, and faculty & staff members for enhancing their research/teaching area based knowledge as well as for other informative aspects.