Aditya Academy of Architecture and Design Colleges
4 years ago - ARCHITECTURE - Bengaluru - 603 viewsLife is a progression from darkness to light, and knowledge is the beacon of light which illuminates our path to self-realization. Education trains one to act and think independently to produce individuals who consider services before self. With this motivation, a dedicated band of Philanthropists planted the seedlings of the present Aditya Institutions.
In the present age, competition is in almost every walk of life and hence the present decade is termed as the decade of competitions. Ironically, this challenging term seems to be missing in its true spirit in most of the modern educational institutions. The strong conviction of making a person educated in true sense and not merely a literate makes us a little different. We are also proud to offer the scholarship programmes for the deserving students who are meritorious and are deprived of availing quality higher education.Thirst for bringing out qualified individuals of high caliber to take advantage of immense opportunities the world offers, demonstrates the mission of relentless service in education by the trust / institution. While wishing you the very best of success in pursuing your chosen career, I remain upholding our motto of “Lighting the lamp of knowledge to serve the society in the noblest of the ways”.
The college campus is situated in the heart of Bangalore City which is just 12 km away from the Bangalore City Railway Station & Bus Stand surrounded by greenaries and serene atmosphere. Aditya Institutions has geared up to achieve the prominence as an innovator in education, responding to the diverse needs of a changing population. We value access to education and embrace opportunities to utilize advanced technology, innovation and creativity to provide highest quality education.
On behalf of the faculty, students, administration and we will strive to provide you the excellent educational opportunities in various streams.