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CMR University Colleges

4 years ago ARCHITECTURE Bengaluru   853 views

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Location: Bengaluru
Fees: -- ₹

CMR University (CMRU) is a private university in the state of Karnataka, established and governed by the CMR University Act-2013. CMR University aims to promote and undertake the advancement of university education across a plethora of disciplines engineering, management, architecture, law and other allied sectors of higher and professional education. The University also aims to equip students with the required skills and knowledge to pursue a successful career in their chosen field of study.

Our Ethos

We believe that creativity is the key competence required to excel in this complex world, whichis why independent thinkers, product leaders, artists, designers and innovators are the need of the hour. Our students learn creative concepts and design thinking regardless of their area of study. Students are evaluated on the basis of real life skills such as teamwork, presentation, research and initiative. CMR University Bangalore fosters creative communities, where new ideas can be nurtured, new discoveries can be made and new creations can be shared.