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COMEDK UGET 2020 Exams

5 years ago EXAM Bengaluru   776 views

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Location: Bengaluru
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COMEDK UGET 2020 will be conducted in an online mode on May 10, 2020. The exam conducted by Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) for admission to B.E/B.Tech/B.Arch courses. 

COMEDK UGET is a state-level examination. Intermediate graduates from all over the country are eligible for the exam. COMEDK UGET Registration  is open and the last date to apply is April 17, 2020. Application Fee for the exam expected to be INR 1600 this year. For those who wish to apply for both COMEDK and UniGAUGE, the fee will be INR 2600. 

Before filling the online application form candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria. The exam is expected to be conducted across 300 Exam Centers for engineering programs that offer around 20000 seats. As per the test pattern, the CBT will have MCQs in English only. 

COMEDK RegistrationCOMEDK Exam DatesCOMEDK EligibilityCOMEDK SyllabusCOMEDK ResultCOMEDK Cutoff

 For candidates who have appeared for JEE Main 2020 can check the Answer Keys. 

Candidates who are interested in B.Arch course need to appear for NATA and participate in the COMEDK counselling for seat allotment. Last year, the first rank holder of COMEDK scored 168 marks out of 180. Only COMEDK qualifiers can check their results and save their scorecard for admission. 

Highlights of COMEDK UGET

Exam NameConsortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Under Graduate Entrance Test
Commonly Known AsCOMEDK UGET
Conducting InstituteConsortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK)

Type of ExaminationState Level
Category of ExaminationUndergraduate Examination
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Mode of ExaminationComputer Based Test
Available Seats20,000 (approx.)
Number of Applicants70,000+

Difference between COMEDK and KCET?

  1. COMEDK is an option for NON-Karnataka Students to enter into Engineering colleges in Karnataka.
  2. Whereas KCET is solely for locals who have at least 7 years study certificate in Karnataka.
  3. The main difference is the cost, KCET seats in Govt and Govt. Aided Engg. Colleges like UVCE, BMSCE will be around 18k, whereas in private Engg colleges will be around 50k per annum.
  4. In KCET, 50% marks of PCM / PCB for Engg / Medical are considered from 12th board exam and 50% from KCET paper. Whereas, COMEDK give no importance to 12th board exam marks for computing.

Exam Dates

COMEDK UGET 2020 Exam Dates

In the below table, we are providing the official schedule of COMEDK UGET 2020:

Start of registration for COMEDK UGET 2020 January 16, 2020
Availability of Mock Test OnlineFebruary 5, 2020
Last date for filling the application formApril 17, 2020
Start date to edit select fields in application formApril 18, 2020
Last date to edit select fields in application formApril 20, 2020
COMEDK UGET Hall Ticket/TATMay 1, 2020
Last Date to Download Hall Ticket/TATMay 9, 2020
COMEDK UGET and Uni-Gauge E 2020Engineering Entrance Exam Date (Released)May 10, 2020(2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
Provisional Answer Keys and start date for online submission of objections/challenge of Provisional Answer keysMay 14, 2020
Last date for receiving challenges/objections pertaining to Provisional Answer KeysMay 18, 2020
Publishing of Final Answer KeyMay 22, 2020
Test Score cards made available online to the candidatesMay 26, 2020
Counselling Session of COMEDK UGETJuly 2020

Eligibility Criteria

COMEDK UGET Eligibility

Candidates must ensure that they fulfill COMEDK Eligibility Criteria before filling the application form. If at any point they are found to be ineligible, their candidature will be cancelled with immediate effect.

For UG Engineering Courses

  • The qualifying examinations for admission for B.E. should be second PUC or 10+2 Higher Secondary or equivalent examination recognized by State / Central Government.
  • 10+2 subjects should be Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with English as a compulsory subject.
  • A minimum aggregate of 45% marks (40% for SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State) in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Candidates should have passed each subject individually.
  • Diploma holders are not eligible for COMEDK. No lateral entry is allowed in any course.
  • Appearing for COMEDK Entrance Test will also be considered an attempt for figuring in the rank list. 

Note: Candidates are required to submit the original marks sheets of the examination during the time of counseling for proving their eligibility.

For UG Architecture Courses​​

  • Qualifying exam for admission to B. Arch course is second PUC or 10+2
  • 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and also 50% marks in aggregate of the 10+2 level examination.
  • Candidates should have qualified a recognized aptitude test in Architecture (NATA or equivalent) in 2020.
  • No Entrance Test for candidates seeking admission to B. Arch Course.
  • Candidates seeking admission to B. Arch course need to submit separate application form for counseling as per the notification on COMEDK website.
  • No need to fill the online application form for engineering entrance exam.

Important -

  • For admission to architecture programs, the colleges will accept NATA Scores. Know more 
  • For admission into medical and dental programs, NEET scores will be accepted by various institutes. Know more

Steps to Fill Application

COMEDK UGET 2020 Application Form

To apply for engineering programs, candidates have to register in the below-mentioned manner. We are providing the steps to fill  COMEDK UGET Application Form:

Step 1: Registration

  • Visit the official website of COMEDK i.e. comedk.org. Click on the link and get registered yourself on the website.
  • Fill all the details required in the registration/application form along with the valid mobile number and the email ID.
  • After successful registration, you will receive a unique email ID and password on your registered mobile number and email ID.

Step 2: Fill Online Application Form

  • Log in with the system generated user ID and password to complete the application process.
  • Fill all the details in the application form such as personal, academic qualification, test centers, and some other necessary details.

Step 3: Uploading the documents

  • Upload the recent color photograph (30mm x 45mm) in JPEG format with not more than 80kb.
  • The size of the uploaded signature should be (35mm x 80m) with the maximum file size of 80kb.
  • Candidates also have to upload the signature of father/guardian and unique Id proof in 80kb and 150 kb formats, respectively.

Step 4: Online Fee Payment

  • Proceed to make payment by clicking on the payment gateway mode.
  • You can re-login and check your status for the payment.
  • Before clicking on the submit button preview your COMEDK UGET 2020 Application Form by clicking on the “Preview” button and re-verify your application form.

Application Fees

StreamOnline Fees (INR)
PCM1600 + other charges2600 + other charges

Admit Card Download

COMEDK UGET 2020 Admit Card

COMEDK UGET 2020 Admit Card will be provided through online mode. The COMEDK UGET Test Admission Ticket (TAT) will be available from May 1 to 9, 2020.  No applicant will be allowed to sit in the examination hall without their admit card. The candidates are advised to preserve the TAT until the admissions are confirmed. COMEDK UGET Hall Ticket  will also be required in the counselling process.

Candidates can follow these steps to download their admit card:

Step 1: Click on the link “admit card download”.
Step 2: Log-in using user Id and password.
Step 3: You can see your admit card on the screen
Step 4: Download and take the printout. Check all the details mentioned in your admit card.

Exam Centers

COMEDK UGET 2020 Exam Centers

  • COMEDK UGET 2020 will be conducted in around 140 exam cities across India.
  • The test cities are allotted to candidates on a first come first serve basis.
  • A candidate can choose and select 3 cities in order of preference at the time of applying for the exam.
  • The option of the city chosen by the candidate cannot be changed subsequently under any circumstance.
  • In case of non-availability of slots/centers in a city of your choice at the time of completing your application, you may choose to book a slot in an alternative city from the available list in the Online Application form.
  • If for any reason, a test city has to be cancelled or is non-available, applicants who had opted for the cancelled/non-available test city will be allotted a center at another city by COMEDK.
  • COMEDK reserves the right to allot any other Exam City other than the preference indicated by the applicant.
  • Each city can have one or more centers. The allocation of COMEDK UGET 2020 Exam Centers is done through a computer-assisted randomization/optimization process.
  • The allocated center will be communicated on the online test admission ticket (online TAT).