EMAT 2020 Exams
5 years ago - EXAM - Kozhikode - 437 viewsExecutive Management Aptitude Test (EMAT) is conducted by IIM Kozhikode for admission to Executive Post-Graduate Program (EPGP) in Management at its Kochi campus. It is a national-level exam that admits 100 meritorious students each year.
It is to be noted that though EMAT is a national level, a separate test is conducted for the students belonging to Kochi which will be held in the month of November.
- EMAT 2020 will be conducted in the last week of August in offline mode.
- EMAT Registration will commence in the third week of May in online mode.
- Candidates with 50% marks in graduation will be eligible to apply for EMAT 2020.
- The question paper consists of 40 objective questions. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes.
- There are three sections in the paper - Logical Reasoning, Numerical, Data Interpretation, and Verbal Skills.
EMAT/CAT/GMAT score is considered only as a preliminary screening process for selection of the applicants. Those applicants who satisfy the minimum cut off for EMAT or a minimum of 75 percentile in CAT or a minimum score of 650 in GMAT will be considered eligible for the next stage of the selection process. Such candidates are not required to attend EMAT. The CAT and GMAT scores should not be older than 1 year as on the date of EMAT (September 2020).
EMAT 2020 Exam Highlights
Date of EMAT 2020 | 4th week of August 2020 |
Conducting Body | IIM Kozhikode |
Official Website | iimk.ac.in |
Exam Level | National |
Mode of Application | Online |
Mode of EMAT 2020 | Offline |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Number of Questions | 40 |
Exam Duration | 1 hour |
Negative Marking | -1/2 |
Courses Offered | EPGP |
Number of Seats | 100 |
EMAT Helpline | 0495-2809417 |
EMAT 2020 Exam Schedule
The official notification of the exam schedule will be released by IIM Kozhikode. Candidates can go through the tentative dates given below:
Events | Dates (All India Candidates) | Dates (Kochi Campus) |
Release of EMAT 2020 Application Form | 3rd week of May 2020 | 4th week of June 2020 |
Last date for EMAT Registration 2020 | 1st week of August 2020 | 4th week of October 2020 |
EMAT 2020 Exam Date/ Personal Interview | 4th week of August 2020 | 4th week of November 2020 |
Declaration of Result | 1st week of September 2020 | 1st week of December 2020 |
Last date to submit the seat confirmation fee | 3rd week of October 2020 | 3rd week of December 2020 |
Eligibility Norms for EMAT 2020
Prior to the commencement of the online application process, it is necessary to check the eligibility criteria, which are primarily the minimum academic and work experience thresholds for candidates to appear for EMAT 2020. Following are the eligibility criteria:
Academic Qualifications
- Candidate of general and OBC category must have cleared graduation or equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks.
- Candidates from all other categories must secure 40% in their graduation.
Work Experience
- Candidates must possess a minimum of 3 years of managerial, entrepreneurial or professional work experience subsequent to completion of graduation.
- Duration of work experience till the end of November 2020 will be taken into consideration.
How to Register for EMAT 2020?
Application form for EMAT exam will have to be filled by candidates only through online mode. Candidates are required to go through the program details, eligibility criteria and instruction before fill the application form. Following are the steps for successful completion of online application submission–
Step 1- Online Registration
- Visit the official website of IIM Kozhikode
- Go to the Academic Programs.
- Click on “Apply Now” option.
- Enter your Name, Email ID, Password, Mobile number, Program Name, and Verification Code (mentioned in Captcha)
- Click on ‘Register’
- An Application No. will be generated, which (along with the created password) will be received by the candidates on his/her registered email ID.
- Click on ‘Click here’ tab to continue
Step 2- Payment of Application Fee
- Please log in to the application portal using the application number, email & password generated during the registration.
- Click on ‘Login’ to proceed to Fee Payment.
- Make a payment of INR 2000 + GST 18%* through Credit Card, Debit Card or Internet Banking. (Payment through any other mode is not acceptable.)
- Any processing fee charged by candidate’s bank will have to be borne by the candidate
*GST is applicable as per prevailing rate on the application fee. Current GST applicable is 18%. *Bank transaction charges applicable for online payment of fee will have to be borne by the candidate.
Note: Do not dispatch the application form & supporting documents to IIMK.
Step 3- Fill Online Application Form
- The application form must be filled within 7 days of fee payment
- Your Application No, Program Applied for and Name will automatically appear in Application Form
- Upload your passport sized color photograph in jpeg format, with size between 100 KB and150 KB
- Dimensions of a photograph must be 580-750 pixels (width) and 730-950 pixels (height)
- Enter the preferred test, whose score candidate wants to be taken into consideration – EMAT, CAT or GMAT
- Enter details of the program, Preferred EMAT Examination Center and Learning Center
- Fill in following details – Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Category, Address, Alternate Mobile No, Landline No, Alternate Email ID, Current Job Details, Academic Details (10th, 12th, Graduation, and Post-Graduation), Career Plans, Statement of Purpose, Extracurricular Activities and 2 References
- Click on the ‘Submit’ tab
- Preview filled details
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button
Step 4- Send Application Form & Requisite Documents to IIM Kozhikode
- After successful online submission of Application, the candidate must take two print outs of the application form and sign them at given places
- Candidate must send the following documents to conducting authority prior to the stipulated date-
- 2 copies of duly signed application form
- 1 passport size photograph with Name and Application No written at the back (Candidate must send the same photograph that has been uploaded)
- Copy of CAT/GMAT scorecard (in case admission is sought through them)
- Self-attested copy of 10th or equivalent examination mark sheet and certificate
- Self-attested copy of 12th or equivalent examination mark sheet and certificate
- Self-attested copy of Graduation or equivalent examination mark sheet and certificate
- Self-attested copy of Post-Graduation or equivalent examination mark sheet and certificate
- Self-attested copy of the certificate to support any relaxation sought in eligibility criteria and selection process
- Self-attested copies of all experience certificates
- Self-attested copy of experience letter, reference letter or letter confirming employment details from current employer
- Self-attested copy of employee ID card or current employer
- Copy of online fee payment receipt
- Self-attested copy of either Passport, Driving License, Pan Card or Aadhar Card
EMAT 2020 Admit Card/Interview Call Letter
EMAT 2020 Test/Interview Call Letter is of extreme significance to candidates appearing for the entrance test. No candidate is permitted entry into examination center without in possession of EMAT interview call letter. Admit card can be downloaded from the official website in August 2020.
Kochi candidates will get their Admit card in the month of November. No hard copy of test/interview call letter is sent to the candidate through courier or post. Candidates can download the test/interview call letter through the following steps:
- Go to the official website of IIM Kozhikode
- Click on ‘ADMISSION 2020’ tab on the left-hand side pane
- Click on ‘Download Test/Interview Call Letter’
- Enter Application No. and Date of Birth
- Test/Interview Call Letter will appear on the screen
- Download the letter and take a print out
Test Venues for EMAT Exam
- EMAT 2020 is likely to be conducted across 8 cities.
- Candidates can provide their preferred examination center at the time of form-filling.
- Allotment of exam center depends on complete discretion of conducting authority.
- Once allotted, the candidate cannot request a change in the exam center.
- The alotted venue address is informed to shortlisted candidates through call letter.
- Applicants with valid CAT score (Min 75 percentile) or GMAT score (Min 650 Score) are directly considered for the interview.
The list of EMAT exam centers is given below:
EMAT Exam Cities | |
Banglore | Calcutta |
Chennai | Mumbai |
Delhi | Pune |
Hyderabad | Kozhikode |
EMAT 2020 Structure of Exam
It is necessary for aspirants to understand EMAT 2020 Exam Pattern in order to prepare for test accordingly. Examination pattern is as follows:
- The mode of exam is offline.
- Examination duration is of 1 hours.
- There are 40 MCQs.
- There are 4 sections in question paper, namely Numerical, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Verbal skills.
- Number of questions in each section vary each year.
- 1 mark is given for each correct answer, while ½ marks is deducted for every incorrect answer
- Candidate has to mark only one of the four answers given for each question on OMR sheet.
EMAT 2020 Syllabus & Important Topics to Study
Candidates must understand the syllabus for every subject in order to facilitate their preparation.
Numerical Ability
Algebra | Coordinate system | Inequalities |
Time | Speed | Distance |
Ratios and proportions | Sets | Profit & loss |
Simple and compound interest | Elementary statistics central tendency | - |
Probability | Dispersion | - |
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Blood Relations | Coding-Decoding |
Puzzles | Arrangements |
Series | Direction Sense |
Data Structures | - |
Verbal Ability
Questions from Unseen Passage | Management functions |
Managerial communication | General finance |
Statistics | Business environment and resource |
- | Management skillsEMAT 2020 Result |
EMAT Exam 2020 Result & Scorecard
EMAT 2020 Result for all India candidates will be declared by IIM Kozhikode on September 4,2020. Candidates can check their respective result on the official website of the board. EMAT Result is declared in the form of a scorecard. Candidates have to carry the scorecard and offer letter at the time of counselling.
Steps to download/view the Scorecard/Offer Letter
- Go to the official website of IIM Kozhikode – iimk.ac.in
- Under ‘ACADEMIC PROGRAMS’ tab in the topmost row, click on the ‘EXECUTIVE POST GRADUATE PROGRAM (EPGP)’
- Click on ‘ADMISSION 2020’ tab on the left-hand side pane
- Click on ‘Interview Result & Download Offer Letter’
- Enter Registration No and Date of Birth
- Click ‘Submit’
- Scorecard and Offer Letter for those selected will appear on the screen
- Download and take a print out for future references
Validity of EMAT 2020 Score
EMAT score obtained by the candidate will be valid for 2020-2021 academic year/batch only. If a candidate has successfully qualified in the EMAT exam and could not join the program due to any reason may have to appear for EMAT once again, if he is applying for the same program in future.
EMAT 2020 Cut off Marks
IIM Kozhikode has cut off marks that must be obtained by candidates in EMAT 2020 and Interview (which is usually held on the day after EMAT exam is successfully conducted)
- Cut off marks for EMAT and Interview are different
- Cut off marks will vary for candidates belonging to different categories
- IIM Kozhikode retains the right to make modifications in cut off marks as per various parameters, including the number of candidates appearing for the exam and average marks obtained by candidates in the examination
Cut Off Marks for EMAT Exam 2020
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 10 out of 40 marks (25%) |
Scheduled Caste (SC)/Non-Cream Other Backward Class (OBC-NC) | 8 out of 40 marks (20%) |
Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Persons with Disability (PwD) | 7 out of 40 marks (18%) |
Cut Off Marks for Interview
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 15 out of 60 marks (25%) |
OBC-NC | 12 out of 60 marks (20%) |
SC/ST/PwD | 9 out of 60 marks (15%) |
EMAT 2020 Merit List
The conducting authority prepares a merit list on the basis of marks obtained in both EMAT 2020 and Interview
- The offer letter will be sent to candidates only on the basis of marks obtained in EMAT 2020 and Interview
- Marks of the interview process will be standardized for standardizing panel differences
- Candidates will have to carry all their original documents (photocopies of which were sent with Application Form for EMAT Exam 2020) when appearing for EMAT 2020 and Interview
- Candidates will not be allowed to appear for examination or interview without in possession of all original documents
- Candidates will have to submit the first installment of fees, after receiving an offer letter, to confirm their seats.
Ques. Where are the classes held for EPGP?
Ans. The participant can attend the live classes online from designated classroom centers across India owned by M/s Times Center for Learning Ltd.
Ques. Are the classes available outside India?
Ans. No. Presently EPGP Programmes are offered through designated class room centers across India only facilitated by M/s Times Center for Learning Ltd.
Ques. How should calculate the aggregate percentage of mark obtained?
Ans. The aggregate percentage is the average of the percentage of mark obtained in each year/semester.
Ques. What will be the title of the final certificate issued on successful completion of the Programme?
Ans. The certificate will be titled “Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management” (EPGDM) awarded by the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode.
Ques. What is the fee structure of EPGP course?
Ans. The total fee for the course is INR 12, 00,000. It can be paid in installments as given below:
Installment | Amount (INR) |
First | 2,00,00/- |
Second | 2,00,00/- |
Third | 2,00,00/- |
Fourth | 2,00,00/- |
Fifth | 1,00,000/- |
Sixth | 1,00,000/- |