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GLAET 2020 Exams

5 years ago EXAM Mathura   448 views

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Location: Mathura
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GLAET is a university level examination conducted by GLA University. This test is organized for those students who want to get admission in various UG and PG courses like BBA, MBA, BCA, MCA, B.Tech and M.Tech etc. Student’s admission in these courses is totally based on their performance in GLAET.

  • Candidates have an option to choose the exam dates and exam center as per their preferences while GLAET registration.
  • GLAET comprises of multiple as well as objective type questions.
  • The paper is divided into four sections namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. 
  • The test is conducted through online mode only.
  • Students have to carefully attempt all the questions because, for every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted.

For appearing in the examination students have to fill the application form. The form can be easily available through both online and offline modes. Students are advised to bring the admit card while appearing for the exam.

GLAET 2020 Highlights

Conducting BodyGLA University
Mode of ExamOnline
Medium of ExamEnglish
Duration of Exam2 Hours
Type and Number of QuestionsMultiple Choice and Objective Type Questions (Total 90 Questions)
Sections4 (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English)
Courses OfferedUndergraduate Courses (B.Sc, B.Com, B.Tech, B.Pharm, BBA and B.Ed) Postgraduate Courses (M.Pharm, MBA, MCA and M.Sc)
Number of Seats-

GLAET 2020 Exam Dates

Students need to check the examination schedule first before appearing for the exam. It contains the schedule of events that are going to be held throughout the year. Students can check the exam dates on the official website of GLA University. The following table shows the important dates related to GLAET entrance test:

GLAET 2020 Exam Date
Online application form available fromJanuary 2020 to July 2020
GLAET Exam DateAs per admit card
Result DeclarationNext day of admission test
Availability of Admit CardJanuary 2020 to July 2020
Commencement of Counselling fromJanuary 2020 to July 2020

GLAET 2020 Eligibility Criteria 

Candidates should clear all the necessary qualifications before appearing in the exam. It is mandatory for students to clear the GLA entrance test. JEE Mains & JEE Advanced scores are also acceptable for admission in the GLA University.

  • For getting admission in B.Pharm and D.Pharm courses, candidates must have the age of 16 years as on December 31, 2019. 
  • Students should have 17 years of age as on December 31, 2019 for getting admission in B.Pharm (Lateral Entry)

The following table shows the course wise basic eligibility criteria that students must fulfill for appearing in GLAET 2020 entrance test:

CourseQualifying ExamDisciplineMinimum marks in Percentage for Gen/ OBCMinimum marks in Percentage for SC/ ST
B.Tech10+2Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects with one of the Chemistry/ Computer Science60%55%
B.Pharm10+2Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Maths50%45%
D.Pharm10+2Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Maths50%45%
BBA10+2Any Discipline50%45%
BBA (Honours)10+2Any Discipline60%55%
BBA (Family Business)10+2Any Discipline50%45%
B.Com (Honours)10+2Any Discipline - -
BCA10+2Any Discipline with Mathematics at 10+2 level - -
B.Sc (Honours) Biotechnology10+2Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Biotechnology50%45%
B.EdGraduationAny discipline50%45%
MBAGraduationAny discipline50%45%
MCAGraduationAny discipline with Mathematics at Graduation and 10+2 level50%45%
MCA (Lateral Entry)3 years bachelor degree in BCA, B.Sc with Mathematics as a course at Graduation and 10+2 level-50%45%
M.Sc BiotechnologyBiotechnology or Life Sciences stream-50%45%
M.Sc Microbiology & ImmunologyBiotechnology or Life Sciences stream-50%45%
Diploma in Engineering10thAny discipline50%45%
M.PharmB.Pharm-Minimum 60% marks in B.Pharm
M.TechB.Tech/ M.Sc-Minimum 60% marks in B.Tech or 60% marks in MCA (for M.Tech computer science only) or 60% marks in M.Sc Physics (for M.Tech Engineering systems only)
B.Pharm (Lateral Entry)D.Pharm -With at least 55% marks
B.Tech (Lateral Entry)Diploma or B.Sc (PCM) -Minimum 60% marks in 3 years diploma or B.Sc with 60% marks

GLAET 2020 Application Form

Students can get the application forms either online or offline mode. Admission to all the courses is one through GLAET online entrance test. The online and offline registration process is different. By following the below steps students can apply for admission:

Online Registration Process

  • Visit the official website of GLA University
  • Students have to pay entrance fees of INR 700 for all the courses but in the case of D.Pharm, Diploma in Engineering and B.Ed courses they have to pay INR 500.
  • Online payment is done through Credit card, Debit card or Net banking.
  • Offline payment can be made through cash or demand draft.
  • After the successful registration, students will receive a unique Registration ID and Password on registered e-mail id.

Offline Registration Process 

  • Students may download the registration form from the official website of the university.
  • They have to send the filled-in application form in an envelope along with the demand draft of INR 700 as application fees.
  • The application fee amount depends on the course applied.
  • Applicants have to mention their name and unique ID on the back of demand draft.
  • On the backside of the envelope, students have to mention “Offline GLAET – 18 Registration for the ‘name of the course’”.
  • Students have to send the envelope to the admission coordinator at the following address:

Admission Coordinator, GLA University

17 Km Stone, NH-2, Mathura – Delhi Road,

P.O. Chaumuhan, Mathura- 281 406, UP

GLAET 2020 Admit Card

Students can download the admit card from the official website of the university. To download the admit card, students have to successfully fill and submit the application form before the last date. They need to carry the admit card in the examination center along with one valid photo identity card because without admit card and photo id proof candidates are not allowed to enter in the examination hall.

The admit card has the basic information related to the Applicant name, date of birth, exam center name, address, exam date, exam day, exam time, candidates photograph and signature etc. Students are advised to read all the instructions carefully before downloading it.

By following the below steps students can download the GLAET 2020 Admit card:

  • Visit the official website of GLA University
  • Students need to login to their account
  • They can find the link related to download admit card on the page
  • Enter all the required information.
  • Click on the submit button

After clicking on submit button, GLAET admit card will be displayed on the screen. Students can download and take a printout of the card for their future use.

GLAET 2020 Exam Centers

The university conducts GLAET entrance test in over 60 examination centers. Candidates have the chance to opt for the exam center of their choice while filling the application form. Once the exam center is selected cannot be changed later.

Following table shows the exam center locations which are as below:


GLAET 2020 Exam Pattern

Students must check the exam pattern before start preparing for the entrance test. The entrance examination is based on the objective as well as multiple choice questions. There will be only one correct answer option among all choices.

  • The time duration to complete the entrance test is 2 hours.
  • The paper will be comprised
  • 90 multiple-choice questions
  • 45 objective type questions will be from Mathematics
  • 20 objective type questions will be from Physics subject
  • 15 objective type questions will come from the English subject
  • 10 Questions will be from chemistry subject
  • The test will be conducted through online mode only.
  • For every correct answer, 4 marks will be awarded
  • For every wrong attempt, 1 mark will be deducted

The following table shows the detailed examination pattern of GLAET 2020:

SubjectNo. of Questions
Mathematics (Algebra, Coordinate, Probability, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Vector, Statistics, Dynamics and Statistics)40
English (Antonym, Synonyms, Spellings, Common Errors, One Word Substitutions, Sentence Completion, Preposition and Articles)15

GLAET 2020 Syllabus

To start study for an entrance examination student, need the exam syllabus. After knowing the syllabus, students can start planning for the exam and prepare according. It will help students to score high marks in the entrance test. The question in the test will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English Subject. The following table shows the detailed syllabus of GLAET 2020:

PhysicsCurrent Electricity
Wave Optics
Atomic Physics
Electro Magnetic Waves
Nuclear Physics
Dual Nature of Radiation
Communication System Rotational Motion
Laws of Motion
Properties of Solids and Liquids
Current Electricity
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Oscillations and Waves
Electronic Devices
Electromagnetic Waves
Physics and Measurement
Communication Systems
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism
Atoms and Nuclei
Work, Energy and Power
Electromagnetic Induction and AC
Dual Nature and Matter of Radiation
ChemistryPeriodic Classification
Block Elements
Solid State
Coordination and Bio – Coordination Compounds
Surface Chemistry
States of Matter
Some Basic concepts in Chemistry
Molecular Structure
Atomic Structure
Chemical Thermodynamics
Organic Compounds
p ,d, f– Block Elements
Characterization of Organic Compounds
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Co-ordination Compounds
Co-ordination Compounds
Containing Nitrogen
Chemical Kinetics
Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Bonding
Containing Halogens
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Containing Oxygen
Bio Molecules
MathematicsCoordinate Geometry
Differential Equations
Complex Numbers
Matrices and Determinants
Sequences and Series
Integral Calculus
Mathematical Reasoning
Binomial Theorem
Vector Algebra
Co-Ordinate Geometry
Mathematical Induction
Limit, Continuity and
3D Geometry
Differential Equations
Coordinate Geometry
Prepositions and Articles
One-word Substitution
Common Errors
Sentence Completion

GLAET 2020 Result

Thousands of students come every-year for admission at GLA University. Before admission, students need to apply for the online entrance test. The notification regarding the entrance exam is uploaded on the university official website. Students can check the entrance exam result from the official website. The result is declared on the Next day of the admission test.

By following below steps students can check the GLAET 2020 Result:

  • Visit the official website of GLA University
  • On the website menu bar, click on the Admissions tab
  • Click on GLAET Result option
  • Enter the Registration Number
  • Click on the shows result button

After clicking on the submit button, GLAET result will be displayed on the screen. Students can download and take a printout of the result for their future reference.