4 years ago - BEAUTY & FITNESS - Barddhamān - 653 viewsMaharajadhiraj Bejoy Chand Institute of Engineering & Technology , officially known as M.B.C. Institute of Engineering & Technology, is a Diploma Level Polytechnic of Government of West Bengal approved by All India Council of Technical Education ( AICTE ), New Delhi and affiliated to West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education & Skill Development ( WBSCT&VE&SD ). The Institute is offering 3—years Diploma Courses in four Branches in Engineering, two Vocational Courses in 10+2 vocational level H.S. and various short term courses under CDTP Scheme.
This Institution was established in the year 1893, in the month of April as 'DISTRICT BOARD OF TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF BURDWAN" under the administrative control of the then District Board. After a few years ,the school was shifted and housed in a building at B.C.Road, in front of Sadar Thana, Burdwan and named as Maharajadhiraj Bejoy Chand Technical School". Upto 1949 this Institute offered different Technical Training Scheme including Sub-Overseer courses. In 1949, Education Department of the Government of West Bengal recognized this Institute as one of the three sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal for teaching Diploma courses in Engineering.
Under the kind patronage of Maharajadhiraj Bahadur of Burdwan, this Institute was again shifted in December, 1950 to its present premises named as "M.B.C.Institute of Engineering & Technology, Burdwan" formerly this premises known as "De-Burgh House" gifted by Maharajadhiraj Bahadur of Burdwan for setting up Technical School .
The Institute was taken over by the State Government of West Bengal on 06.04.1977 vide No 435- EDN(TP) dated 06.04.1977 and it is now running as one of the Govt. Polytechnics under the administrative control of the Director of Technical Education & Training, West Bengal operated by the Department of Technical Education ,Training & Skill Development, Government of West Bengal.
As per directive by the Government of West Bengal, one portion of the old administrative building of this Institute has occupied by West Bengal Regional School Service Commission, Eastern Region & various schemes under C.D.T.P. formerly named as Community Polytechnic Cell under M.H.R.D. under the Government of India are running in another portion of the old administrative building of this Institute. This Institute was initially started as Boys Polytechnic . But since 1989 a good number of girls have been admitted in each discipline. Now this is a co-education Institution.