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RPET Pharmacy or Rajasthan Pre-Engineering Test Pharmacy is a state level entrance exam conducted by Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan for admissions to Bachelors in Pharmacy (B. Pharm) program.

As per RPET Pharmacy 2020 Eligibility, students must have passed class 12 with minimum 45% marks. Candidates can fill RPET Pharmacy 2020 Application form from March 17, 2020 to April 15, 2020 (tentative). After filling up the application form, the candidate is required to download their admit card from the official website.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 results will be declared in the month of May through online mode. Aftre the declaration of result, the merit list is prepared and candidates meeting the merit score is to register themselves for the counselling and appear in person for document verification. However, the seat allotment in RPET Pharmacy 2020 is done in online mode only.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Important Dates

Application process for RPET Pharmacy 2020 will begin from March 17, 2020 expected. Important dates regarding RPET Pharmacy 2020 are as mentioned below. These may prove to be helpful to the candidate willing to appear for the exam.

EventDate (Tentative)
Commencement of Application ProcessMarch 17, 2020
Last date to deposit application fee through E Mitra or Bill deskApril 15, 2020
Last date to fill the application form without late feeApril 17, 2020
Issue of Admit CardApril 30, 2020
Date of ExaminationMay 7, 2020
Result DeclarationMay 21, 2020
CounsellingFirst week of June, 2020

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Eligibility Criteria

RPET Pharmacy 2020 eligibility criteria involve academic qualification, medical fitness of candidate, age of the candidate and some other requirements. Candidates who will meet complete eligibility are only eligible to apply for the exam. 

1. Academic qualification

  • Candidate must have passed 10+2 examination with an aggregate of 45% with physics and mathematics as the compulsory subjects.
  • Candidates belonging to the “SC/ST/Non creamy layer OBC/ Non creamy layer/SBC are required to pass the 10+2 examination with an aggregate of 40% with physics and mathematics as the compulsory subjects.

2. Age Eligibility

  • Candidates with their date of birth after October 1, 1991 are eligible for RPET Pharmacy 2020.
  • In case of SC, ST and PwD candidates with their date of birth after October 1, 1986 are eligible for RPET Pharmacy 2020.

3. Medical Fitness

Candidate who is willing to apply for RPET Pharmacy 2020 has to meet some of the medical requirements as well. Candidate should be physically fit.

Some of the barriers laid for the medical fitness are mentioned as below:

  • Height: In case of male candidates, candidate must have a height of more than 1.5 m and in case of female candidates; they must be more than 1.4 m.
  • Weight: The weight of male candidate must be 41 kg and that of female candidates must weigh a minimum of 37 kg.
  • Chest measurement: This implies to male candidates only. Their chest must be more than 69 cm with proper expansion and contraction.
  • Heart and lungs must be normal.
  • Candidates must not be suffering from Hernia, Hydrocele, Piles, etc. otherwise he or she will be rejected for appearing in the RPET Pharmacy 2020.
  • Vision: If there is any defect in vision then it must be corrected to 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the worse eye. Candidate should not be suffering from color blindness. And eye should be free from other diseases.
  • Hearing: Candidate must have normal hearing. In case of any defect, it must be corrected.
  • Speech: The speech of the candidate should be normal.

4. Domicile Criteria

RPET Pharmacy 2020 is open to candidates of Rajasthan only. So candidates will also be ascertained on the basis of domicile criteria as well which is as follows:

  • Domicile category A: The candidate himself or the parents must be the bonafide residents of Rajasthan.
  • Domicile category B: Candidate must have studied continuously for three years including the year in which he has passed the qualifying examination.
  • Domicile category C: Candidate must be the pupil of any serving employee of Government of Rajasthan/ Undertakings/ Corporations/ Improvement Trusts/ Municipal Boards/Panchayat Samities / Co-operative Bodies duly constituted by the Government of Rajasthan/ Statutory Bodies and Corporations formed under the Indian Companies Act incorporated in Rajasthan.


  • Candidate must be the pupil of any employee of universities in Rajasthan or the Rajasthan board


Candidate must be the pupil of any employee of Central Government or Institutions of the Central Government

Including Public Sector Undertakings


  • Candidate must be the pupil of any employee Rajasthan origin.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Application Process

Candidates willing to appear in RPET Pharmacy 2020 must check whether they are eligible to apply for it or not. Some of the general instructions for filling up the application form are given below:

  • Candidate is required to fill the application form which is available online only.
  • Candidate is required to upload passport size photograph and signature in .jpeg format.
  • The login details like Challan No., Token code/transaction no, DOB, mother’s name and other personal details must be kept confidential by the candidate.
  • After filling the form online, candidate is required to take a print out of the form. Till the time print id not taken, any changes can be made in the form. But after clicking on print candidate cannot make any changes in the form.
  • Candidate must pay the fee properly as per the mode available.
  • Candidate can contact at the following address in case of any query.

Coordinator, REAP-2016,

Old Computer Centre, Near Canteen,

Rajasthan Technical University, Kota Akelgargh, Rawatbhata Road,

KOTA (Rajasthan) – 324010

Email: reap2016@rtu.ac.in

Land line No: 0744-2473862, 9772160321

Documents Required with Application Form: 

  • Scanned passport size photo in .jpeg format with size less than 100kb
  • Scanned signature in .jpeg format with size less than 50kb.
  • Mark sheets of X, XI and XII examination.
  • Mark sheet of JEE main score card.
  • Documents related to domicile of Rajasthan and reservation category
  • Receipt of eMitra/kiosk desk with token number and transaction id of payment.
  • Challan number
  • Mobile number
  • Candidate who is from KM category must have the certificate from the competent authority as a proof.

Steps to fill RPET Pharmacy 2020 Application Form

  • Visit the official website.
  • Click on the online application form link.
  • Fill all the details carefully.
  • Upload the signature and passport size photograph.
  • Do not upload any kind of documents but you have to bring them at the time of counseling.
  • Review the form before submitting.
  • After you are done filling the form click on SUBMIT.
  • Note that no changes can be made after you have clicked on SUBMIT.
  • Take a print out if the application form.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Application Fee

Cost of the application form is Rs 700/- which can be paid through e-mitra kiosk desk. After the last date application form is acceptable only if late fee is paid along with it.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Admit Card

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Admit card will be released by the institute online itself. After releasing the Admit Card, candidates will have enough time to download it before the commencement of the exam.

To download the RPET Pharmacy 2020 admit card, candidate is required to follow the below mentioned simple steps:

  • Visit the official website.
  • Click on the link regarding the RPET Pharmacy 2020 admit card.
  • You will be redirected to a page where you have to fill the form number/ registration number/name and date of birth.
  • Click on SUBMIT.
  • RPET Pharmacy 2020 Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Take a print out of the RPET Pharmacy 2020 hall ticket.

Candidate is required to carry the RPET Pharmacy 2020 admit card along with them on the day of the exam. Candidate without the hall ticket will not be allowed to sit in the exam under any circumstances.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Exam Centers

RPET Pharmacy 2020 will be held at the given below venues at the scheduled date and time. Candidate can choose any of the three venues as its exam centers as per his order of reference. This choice is given to the candidate at the time of filling the application form.

The exam centers for RPET Pharmacy 2020 are:

Exam Centers
BikanerHinduan city
SikarSri ganganagar
TonkSawai madhopur

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Exam Pattern

Candidates will be given 3 hours to complete the exam. No extra time will be allotted to them in any situation. RPET Pharmacy 2020 exam will have 120 Multiple Choice Questions. There are 40 questions in each section. Each carrying one mark only. There is no negative marking.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 exam pattern highlights are given below. These may prove helpful to the candidates willing to appear for the test.

Exam typeObjective type
Negative MarkingNo
Time duration3 hours
Total sections3
Marks per section40
Total marks120
Total number of questions120

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Reference Books

Candidates preparing for RPET Pharmacy 2020 can consider the following books for the exam. The below mentioned books can be helpful to the candidates if they really want to crack the RPET Pharmacy 2020 exam.

Some of the reference books for RPET Pharmacy 2020 are:

  • B. Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) Entrance Examinations Guide (Popular Master Guide) 2016
  • B. Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) Entrance Exam Guide (English)

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Result

RPET Pharmacy 2020 result is scheduled to be declared in the month of June. Candidates who appeared in the RPET Pharmacy 2020 test can check their result can follow some simple steps.

Steps to check RPET Pharmacy Result:

  • Visit the official website www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • Look for the RPET section
  • Generally it is available on the upper side and bottom of the home page.
  • Place the cursor over there and select the result link form the displayed notification bar.
  • You will be redirected to the result dialog box.
  • Now the candidate is required to fill the roll number and click on SUBMIT.
  • Result of the candidate will be displayed.
  • You can also take its print out if you wish.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Merit List

After the declaration of RPET Pharmacy 2020 result, RPET Pharmacy 2020 merit list is prepared. The merit list is prepared by considering the marks scored by the candidates in mind. The merit of the candidate will be decided on the basis of the marks obtained by him or her in mathematics in JEE mains.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Tie Breaker

If any two candidates have equal marks,

  • Then marks in physics subject in JEE mains will be considered as basis for merit.
  • In case there is still a tie, then the candidate with higher in age will be given preference.
  • In case there is still a tie, then randomization will be applied to decide the rank.

After that seats will be allotted on the basis of merit scores and ranks. Just in case there are vacant seats left, then candidates with no JEE score will be given seats by considering 12th percentile merit and option filled by them.

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Reservation

RPET Pharmacy 2020 also has some of its seats reserved for categories other than general. This quote of reservation of seats is completely prescribed by the government of Rajasthan.

The percentage of seats reserved as per the categories is mentioned below:

CategoriesQuota reserved
SC candidates16%
ST candidates12%
Non creamy OBC category21%
Non creamy SBC category1%
Physically handicapped3%
Women candidates25%
Dependants of Defence Killed/Ex-servicemen / Gallantry award winners3%
KM (Kashmiri migrants)5%

RPET Pharmacy 2020 Counseling Process

RPET Pharmacy 2020 counseling is done after the merit list is out. The candidates meeting the merit scores are to register themselves for the counseling online.

To register for RPET Pharmacy 2020 counseling, candidates are to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Login using the 16 digit eMitra number/Bill desk transaction Id., mother’s name and date of birth.
  • Fill the choice for the institute using tabs on display which guide you through choices offered and pertinent information.
  • All the information related to institutions, department and programme is available on the display. Fill the choices carefully.
  • There is no upper limit for filling up number of choices. You can fill as many choices as you want.
  • Lock the choices by 5 pm of last date.
  • The allotment of seat is done by the institute online itself.
  • The allotment list is available online. Additional letters are not sent to candidates individually.
  • After the allotment of seat, candidates have to report in person on scheduled date and time at decided venue along with documents.

Documents required in RPET Pharmacy 2020 Counseling Process are given below

  • Allotment letter
  • Receipt of e payment
  • Mark sheets of X, XI and XII examination.
  • Mark sheet of JEE main score card.
  • Documents related to domicile of Rajasthan and reservation category
  • Receipt of eMitra/kiosk desk with token number and transaction id of payment.
  • Challan number
  • Mobile number
  • Candidate who is from KM category must have the certificate from the competent authority as a proof.