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5 years ago ARTS(FINE/VISUAL/PERFORMING) Chennai   532 views

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Location: Chennai
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St Thomas College Of Arts And Science

St Thomas College of Arts and Science is a well known co-educational Christian Institute in Chennai recognised by the Tami Nadu government. It offers graduate and postgraduate courses. Its motto is “Let there be light”. It strongly believes in the power of knowledge to cut through the black darkness of ignorance, fear and despair and spread the light of truth, love and hope. Knowledge enlightens the human consciousness and creative spirit while bringing a sense of responsibility towards others around us. The institution aspires to provide an environment that motivates students to develop into productive, tolerant, socially responsible, self-reliant and wholesome individuals with not just intellectual abilities but also creative and leadership skills.

Facts And Figures

Year of establishment1999
Governing bodySt Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral Parish Trust
AffiliationUniversity of Madras
Student ClubsThe St. Thomas Consumer’s Club, Red Ribbon Club, Green Club
How to reachAt the intersection of 2 major city roads –Inner Ring Road and Poonamalle High Road, very near to the CMBT Bus station.

Why To Join St Thomas College Of Arts And Science?

1. Impressive Infrastructure In Place 

St Thomas College of Arts and Science is equipped with numerous labs in place such as Computer lab, Photography lab, Editing Lab, Audio video lab and so on with all the latest technology and software. They are useful in teaching concepts to students in an easy manner and facilitate the practical application of what the students have learnt. The college library has printed as well as digital information resources. It is stocked with books, journals, magazines and ebooks. The canteen is well furnished, clean and serves vegetarian meals and snacks.

2. Encouraging Students’ Capabilities With Enriching Sports Facilities:

There is reason enough for the sports enthusiasts to be happy too. St Thomas College of Arts and Science provides weight training, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Chess boards and Table Tennis boards facility to students on a holistic platform. The institute believes in the presence of sports in the life of students.