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WB JECA 2020 Exams

5 years ago EXAM Kolkata   759 views

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Joint Entrance Examination for admissions to Master of Computer Applications (JECA), is conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). The exam is a gateway for admissions to MCA courses offered by colleges in the state of West Bengal. This year, WBJECA 2020 will be conducted on July 13, 2020 (Tentative).

  • WBJEE JECA Result and merit list will be declared on the official website of the exam by WBJEEB.
  • After declaration of the merit list, qualified candidates must appear for the WBJECA 2020 Counselling.
  • WBJECA 2020 Registration will be started from April 2 to 16, 2020 in online mode.
  • Aspirants must ensure that they meet the WBJECA 2020 Eligibility before applying for the exam. The criterion for each institute is different.
  • Application fee for all category candidates is INR 500/- which can be paid by using Net banking/Debit card/Credit card.
  • WB JECA consists of 150 objective-type questions of 1 mark each. The duration of the test is 3 hours.
  • The paper has 2 sections-  Mathematics (100 questions), & Aptitude (50 questions).

Highlights of WBJECA 2020

Exam NameWest Bengal Joint Entrance Exam MCA
Conducting BodyWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
Exam LevelState Level
Mode of RegistrationOnline
Mode of ExamComputer based
Duration of Exam180 minutes
Medium of ExamEnglish
Type and Number of Questions150 MCQs
Sections4 sections - Mathematics, Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning, Computer Awareness and General English
Courses OfferedMCA
WBJECA 2020 Helpdesk1800-1023-781, 1800-3450-050

WBJECA 2020 Important Dates

Candidates can check official scheduled of JECA 2020 is given below.

EventDate (Tentative)
Commencement of Online RegistrationApril 02, 2020
Last date to ApplyApril 16, 2020 
Last date to download Confirmation PageApril 19, 2020
Availability of Admit CardJuly 7, 2020
Exam DateJuly 13, 2020
Declaration of ResultAugust 13, 2020

WBJECA 2020 Eligibility

Aspirants must ensure that they meet the WBJECA Eligibility before applying for the exam. The criterion for each institute is different. The various criteria accepted by different institutes are stated below:

Common Criteria:

  • The applicant should be an Indian national.
  • There is no age limit to appear for the exam.
  • There no stated limit on the number of times a candidate can appear for the exam.

Criteria 1:

  • The aspirant must have a Bachelor’s (UGC/AICTE recognized) degree of minimum 3 years duration except BBA with Mathematics at graduate or 10+2 level.
  • Minimum qualifying marks for general category is 50% and 45% for reserved category candidates.

Criteria 2:

  • A Bachelor’s degree (UGC recognized) with aggregate of 60% for general category (45% for SC/ST) or BCA-AICTE recognized with aggregate of 60% for general and 45% for SC/ST category in Mathematics.
  • Aspirants must also secure 60% aggregate in 10, 10+2 level and Mathematics, 45% each for SC/ST category.

Criteria 3:

  • UGC recognized any Graduate degree or AICTE recognized B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA degree.
  • In addition to this, aspirants must have Mathematics at each level with 60% aggregate (45% for SC/ST/OBC).

Criteria 4

  • UGC recognized B.Sc degree in any discipline with 60% aggregate (45% for reserved category) and 55% aggregate in Mathematics.
  • Aspirants must also secure 60% marks in 10, 10+2 level and Mathematics at each level.

WBJECA 2020 Application Form

WBJECA Application Form will be stared from April 2, 2020. The last date to fill the online application form is April 16, 2020.

Step 1: Registration

  1. Visit the official website wbjeeb.in
  2. Click on “JECA”
  3. Click on “Online Application Form JECA 2020”
  4. Click on “New Candidate Registration”
  5. Click on “I agree and Proceed” on the instructions page
  6. Register by filling in your Name, Father’s name, Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email, Password and Security question
  7. Click on Submit.
  8. An application number will be generated.

Step 2: Application Form filling

  1. After registering, click on Fill in Application Form
  2. Fill in the following details asked in the application form:
    • Personal Details- Gender, Category, Religion, Nationality, etc.
    • Communication Details-Address, State, City, etc.
    • Academic Details- Year of Passing, Name of University, Marks scored etc.
  3. Click on Save & Next

Step 3: Uploading the Documents

Candidates are required to upload the scanned images of the documents mentioned in the table below:

DocumentsFile SizeDimensionFormat
Photograph of the candidate10 – 100kb4x3cm.jpg or JPEG
Signature of the candidate3 – 30kb4x1.5cm.jpg or JPEG

Step 4: Payment of Application fee

  • WB JECA 2020 Application fee is of INR 500/- for candidates of all categories.
  • The application fee can only be paid online using Netbanking/ Debit card/ Credit card.

WBJECA 2020 Admit Card

  • WBJECA 2020 Admit Card will be available for download from July 4, 2020.
  • It can only be downloaded from the official website. No admit cards will be sent to candidates by post. Steps to download the admit card are as follows:
    1. Go on the official website wbjeeb.nic.in
    2. Login using valid credentials
    3. Download admit card and check for any discrepancies
    4. Take a print out if all details are correct
  • If any candidate receives any SMS/email regarding discrepancy in the photograph/signature uploaded by him/her, take corrective action immediately within one day.
  • Admit must be preserved till the end of the counselling procedure.
Information mentioned on the admit card
Name of candidateAddress of examination center
Candidate’s father and mother nameDate of examination
Candidate’s date of birthTiming of examination
Photograph of candidateRoll number
Signature of candidateRegistration number